Vol 50 No 23 | SOUTH AFRICA In favour and out of cash 20th November 2009 The ANC government’s left-wing supporters in Cosatu and the SACP want more of their comrades in the cabinet and more social spending The Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) and the SA Communist Party (SACP) have gained strength since they helped President Jacob Zuma into power in April. Their...
Vol 50 No 23 | SOUTH AFRICA Jackie Selebi on trial 20th November 2009 Nothing is going according to plan with the prosecution for corruption of former police chief and former Interpol director Jackie Selebi (AC Vol 50 No 16). As he...
Vol 50 No 21 | SOUTH AFRICA Zuma's faith 23rd October 2009 After the African National Congress leadership in the Western Cape was suspended because of the governing party's poor showing there in this year's elections, President Jacob Zuma set...
Vol 50 No 17 | SOUTH AFRICA So far, so Zuma 28th August 2009 Economic downturns, rising joblessness and a wave of strikes and protests fail to dampen the rising popularity of the new President The standard criticism of Jacob Gedleyihlekisa Zuma was that he was a populist, seeking the presidency mainly to protect himself against prosecution for corrupt enrichment in South Africa's...
Vol 50 No 17 | SOUTH AFRICA Suing the messenger 28th August 2009 Jacob Zuma rarely hides his distaste of journalists - particularly those who ridiculed his presidential ambitions and his political commitment - and his supporters rail against media enemies...
Vol 50 No 16 | SOUTH AFRICA Township protestors take on the ANC government 7th August 2009 After weeks of angry protests in the townships, President Zuma and his ministers promise to make the problems of the poorest a priority Pictures of police firing rubber bullets into a crowd of protestors in Thokoza township on 27 July gave President Jacob Zuma's three-month-old government its strongest reality check to...
Vol 50 No 16 | SOUTH AFRICA The poorest protest 7th August 2009 Gauteng Province, around Johannesburg, is the most heavily industrial part of South Africa, with tightly crammed townships and informal settlements for those who came to find work. It...
Vol 50 No 14 | SOUTH AFRICA Anglo American seeks fresh capital 10th July 2009 The future ownership of mining giant Anglo American is crucial for South Africa, but any deal must suit the ANC government and the unions Anglo American, the huge mining conglomerate, is no longer strictly a South African company since it moved its headquarters and main stock-market listing to London in 1999. Yet...
Vol 50 No 14 | SOUTH AFRICA Anglo American's CEO fights back 10th July 2009 Anglo CEO Cynthia Carroll has called for 'a major overhaul' and 'cultural transformation' of senior management. Those managers are striking back, along with members of the board. Her...
Vol 50 No 13 | SOUTH AFRICA Business beyond borders 26th June 2009 The Zuma government's foreign policy will be more about commerce than high-minded diplomacy The appointment of the inexperienced Maite Nkoana-Mashabane as Foreign Minister in the new African National Congress (ANC) government suggests that President Jacob Zuma will dominate foreign policy, with...