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South Africa

South Africa

Population: 63.2m
GDP: $403.04bn
Debt: 72.24% of GDP (2024)

news from South Africa

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Found 853 articles.

Displaying 171-180 out of 853 results.

Cyril and Ace's linked fates

A conviction in Magashule's trial could save Ramaphosa's career in the ANC and at the polls. An acquittal could end it

African National Congress Secretary General Ace Magashule heads to the Bloemfontein Magistrate Court on 19 February to face 21 charges of corruption and fraud dating from his time...

Challenging the statist quo

Ramaphosa must both placate unions and convince lenders he can reform the state, while fending off plots from inside his party

The fortunes of the ruling African National Congress, and Cyril Ramaphosa's own survival as party and South African president, are dependent on the outcome of municipal elections scheduled...

Ace shuffles the deck again

The balance in the ANC’s factional war has turned decisively in the President’s favour, leaving the Secretary-General few options

President Cyril Ramaphosa has scored in the ongoing battle against the faction bent on unseating him with this week's decision by the African National Congress's Integrity Commission that...

Ace arrest boosts Cyril

The pro-Zuma ANC leader is standing his ground in the face of corruption charges, but his position weakens as pressure mounts

The 10 November arrest of the second most powerful politician in the ruling African National Congress on charges of corruption, following more than 100 graft-related arrests in recent...

The 'Ramaphosa Compromise'

The medium-term budget is seen by some as a fudge in the struggle between liberalising reform and preserving the state sector

The government has firmly held the line against the left and the labour movement's efforts to defend ailing state-owned enterprises. President Cyril Ramaphosa is also boosting the Zondo...

A change of tone

President Ramaphosa has made a renewed commitment to review public ownership and plot out a major role for the private sector

After a decade of corruption, economic decline and a crippling pandemic, President Cyril Ramaphosa has unveiled his Economic Reconstruction and Recovery Plan, which does not go as far...

Private capital, green shoots

A combination of worsening power cuts and investigations into grand corruption in the state utility and its suppliers has forced a policy shift

The government is finally backing a plan that will open the state power utility Eskom to private investors, putting the energy sector at the core of the country's...

This time, it's personal

A spate of arrests of officials on corruption charges is leading to the door of Ace Magashule, Secretary-General of the ruling party

Within weeks Cyril Ramaphosa will face his toughest battle as President as he tests his authority against the second-most-powerful politician in the country, African National Congress (ANC) Secretary-General...

Displaying 171-180 out of 853 results.