Vol 47 No 23 | KENYASOMALIA Turki's landing 17th November 2006 Sheikh Hassan Abdullah Hamid Turki, leading radical in Somalia's Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC) and high on the United States' terrorist list, is reported to have been wounded...
Vol 47 No 22 | SOMALIA Beyond the Horn 3rd November 2006 Mogadishu's Islamists threaten Kenya, Ethiopia and Djibouti, as well as their own country The Somali conflict poses a growing threat to neighbouring states. As the SICC and the TFG started their third round of talks in Sudan on 1 November, Ethiopia...
Vol 47 No 20 | SOMALIA Radio row 6th October 2006 In Vol 47 No 16, Africa Confidential reported that the BBC Somali Service and its head, Yusuf Garad, had been criticised for supporting the Supreme Islamic Courts Council...
Vol 47 No 18 | SOMALIAHORN OF AFRICA A threat to the Horn and beyond 8th September 2006 Rising tension between the regimes of President Yusuf and Chairman Aweys could escalate into a regional war Despite two impressive-looking agreements on security in Somalia this week, the prospects for a peaceful resolution of the crisis are poor. For now there is little middle ground,...
Vol 47 No 18 | SOMALIAARMS Mission Mogadishu 8th September 2006 An American private security company, Select Armor, has been planning military operations in support of President Abdullahi Yusuf's Transitional Federal Government in Somalia and raising questions about an...
Vol 47 No 16 | SOMALIA Courts without authority 4th August 2006 Clan rivalries still outweigh the hope of a national government, as the neighbours look on nervously Somalia's domestic strife is nowhere near its end. The rival authorities, the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) in Baidoa and the Supreme Islamic Courts Council (SICC) - until 24...
Vol 47 No 13 | SOMALIA Islamist takeover 23rd June 2006 Clans switch sides to overthrow the warlords but will they stay loyal to the Islamic Courts The lightning take over by the Islamic Courts Union on 14 June surprised almost everyone, not least the United States CIA. The warlords crumbled almost overnight and with...
Vol 47 No 11 | SOMALIA Terror in Mogadishu 26th May 2006 In its bid to defeat Islamists, the CIA has become entangled in Mogadishu's clan warfare This month's fighting in Mogadishu has been the heaviest for years. Between 7 and 12 May, over 200 people died, at least 1,000 were injured and the price...
Vol 47 No 8 | SOMALIAUNITED STATES Foreign funds 14th April 2006 Disquiet is growing over President George Bush's policy in Somalia amid reports of an executive security order to arm a local 'antiterrorist alliance' in contravention of the United...
Vol 46 No 18 | SOMALIA Roadblock 9th September 2005 The government cannot get to the capital, where Islamists and many others reject it President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's plans for foreign troops to provide the security he needs to allow him to go back to Mogadishu are still blocked. After much international...