Vol 49 No 6 | SOMALIA Missing the target 14th March 2008 The US bombs Al Qaida targets and misses while the TFG holds secret negotiations with elders and the Islamist opposition On 3 March, a United States' cruise missile hit a home on the outskirts of Dobley, a small crossing point on the Somalia-Kenya border. Dobley is in an...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 12 | SOMALIAASIA Pirates of the Red Sea 28th October 2008 India has ambitious plans to coordinate maritime security across the Indian Ocean Asia’s navies are planning tougher action to combat the menace of piracy along Somalia’s coastline and in the Red Sea region. The well-organised pirates have targeted Asian ships...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 12 | SOMALIAINDIA Permission to come on board? 28th October 2008 The deployment against the pirates will entail an upgrade of India's fleet and the overcoming of legal obstacles India’s navy hosted its first Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS) in Delhi in February to promote cooperation amongst 26 states in the region. Its aim was to foster...
Vol 48 No 24 | SOMALIA A new man in Mogadishu 30th November 2007 If new Prime Minister Nur Adde can talk to the opposition and clan leaders, he might just help to stop the slaughter Much depends on the new Prime Minister. Nur Hassan Hussein 'Adde' was sworn in on 24 November, after Parliament had endorsed him with only one abstention. With good...
Vol 48 No 21 | SOMALIA Bad history 19th October 2007 Those planning a UN peacekeeping mission to Somalia are haunted by the disasters of 15 years ago Ethiopian and Ugandan troops in Somalia are due to welcome a new contingent of peacekeepers this month. Two battalions of soldiers from Burundi, with 1,750 men, should arrive...
Vol 48 No 21 | SOMALIA Fall out at the top 19th October 2007 The rift between President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Ali Mohamed Gedi is in full swing. The latest twist came when Attorney General Abdullahi Dahir ordered the...
Vol 48 No 21 | SOMALIASOMALILANDPUNTLAND How many states for the north? 19th October 2007 Tension between Somaliland (created in 1991) and the much less firmly established Puntland (created 1998) has been running high. On 1 July, yet another state, Maakhir, was inaugurated...
Vol 48 No 13 | SOMALIA Unlikely meeting of minds 22nd June 2007 President Abdullahi's government makes some progress but it still isn't trusted Despite widespread scepticism, a Somali National Reconciliation Congress is now due in Mogadishu on 16 July. It offers to reconcile the clans without which no national political reconciliation...
Vol 48 No 13 | ERITREAETHIOPIASOMALIA Warriors by proxy 22nd June 2007 With Somalia looking more settled, Ethiopia has been looking towards Eritrea, which it sees as the regional spoiler. On 8 June, Addis Ababa wrote to the United Nations...
Vol 48 No 9 | ETHIOPIASOMALIA The great gamble 27th April 2007 Ethiopia and others bet on the TFG A few weeks ago, it looked as if relative calm was returning to Mogadishu, but violence has soared again. Ethiopia says it wants its forces to leave but...