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Population: 16.5m
GDP: $12.8bn

news from Somalia

Category: all

Found 301 articles.

Displaying 221-230 out of 301 results.

A sheikh returns to the fray

As Islamist militias prepare for a final strike on Mogadishu, another Islamist leader signs a power-sharing deal and talks of peace

The return of Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed to Mogadishu following the signing of a power-sharing agreement in Djibouti on 26 November will shape the coming stuggle for control...

Back to Addis

Ethiopia argues that its withdrawal from Somalia will help the power-sharing talks brokered by the United Nations Special Representative Ahmadou Ould Abdallah. A principal condition for the participation...

Pirates and the lads

Mercenaries, the media and worried looking men in suits are much exercised by the escalating operations of the Somali pirates patrolling the Gulf of Aden in search of...

The youth game gets older

Al Shabaab claims attacks even when they have nothing to do with them, but who are 'The Youth'?

Arms and the boys

Somalia's pirates are busy guarding the 33 Ukrainian tanks and other equipment captured on the MV Faina on 25 September. United States' naval vessels surround the ship...

Pirates afloat

The United Nations World Food Programme has successfully appealed to the European Union for protection of its life-saving cargoes of food aid. On 15 September, the EU’s foreign...

Truculent two

Personal rivalries between President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed and Prime Minister Nur Hassan 'Adde' threaten the Transitional Federal Government in Mogadishu and undermine the fragile United Nations-backed negotiations with...

Pirates of the Horn

The brigands of the sea make big money and threaten their country with mass starvation

Somalia faces a worsening food crisis, largely ignored in the graphic reports of clashes between President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed's regime and its nationalist and Islamist opponents (AC Vol...

A targeted killing

The United States' killing of Aden Hashi Ayro weakens Al Shabaab and its mentor Sheikh Aweys

Before dawn on 1 May, two United States' AC130 gunships from Camp Lemonnier in Djibouti destroyed a house in Dusamareb, central Somalia, not far from the Ethiopian border....

Displaying 221-230 out of 301 results.