Vol 39 No 16 | SENEGAL Pre-millenial tension 7th August 1998 A military adventure abroad and political squabbles at home By sending Senegalese soldiers into Guinea-Bissau, President Abdou Diouf has muddied the pool of Dakar’s politics. The bitter rebellion in the southern province of Casamance made little impact...
Vol 39 No 8 | SENEGAL Children of '68 17th April 1998 Like many of their counterparts elsewhere, the rebels of '68 have joined the system Senegal's energetic media have been painting the general elections of 24 May as a rendez-vous with history. It's the thirtieth anniversary of May '68, when Senegalese students and...
Vol 39 No 2 | SENEGAL Rules of the game 23rd January 1998 Popular pressure chips away at (democratic) one-party rule while rebels mine Casamance
Vol 39 No 2 | SENEGAL Targeting Club Med 23rd January 1998 Every one of nearly 400 beds at the beautiful Club Mediterranée at Cap Skirring, near the Guinea-Bissau border, was full for Christmas. But guests were taken aback by...
Vol 37 No 19 | SENEGAL Deft Diouf 20th September 1996 The municipal elections may comfort the opposition without shaking the President Elections in Senegal tend to breed crises. In 1983, 1988 and 1993, they ended in violence and gaol for opposition politicians. No such fireworks are expected at the...