Vol 42 No 5 | SENEGAL Catching the boat 9th March 2001 In Senegal's troubled southern region, the pro-independence Mouvement des Forces Démocratiques de la Casamance (MFDC) is deeply split it and its veteran leader, the Abbé Augustin Diamacoune Senghor,...
Vol 41 No 23 | SENEGAL Conflict of interests 24th November 2000 Prime Minister Moustapha Niasse is getting ready to resign, probably before the constitutional referendum due on 7 January.
Vol 41 No 12 | SENEGAL Wade makes his mark 9th June 2000 The new Preisident juggles allies, woos French business and upsets the neighbours The famous victory of 19 March (AC Vol 41 Nos 5 & 7) is 100 days old. The democratic elan and spirit survive but the 'state of grace'...
Vol 41 No 8 | SENEGAL L'effet Wade 14th April 2000 After intense and delicate bargaining to form the new government, Dakar politics became a shambles this week when Education Minister Marie-Lucienne Tissa Mbengue was dismissed after only a...
Vol 41 No 7 | SENEGAL Tables turned 31st March 2000 Swept to power amid demand for change, President Wade has high expectations to meet Senegalese are still reeling from the change they have brought about. By voting out their President of 17 years, Abdou Diouf, they have steered the country into the...
Vol 41 No 5 | SENEGAL Passion for change 3rd March 2000 President Diouf faces a second round of polling and the opposition scents victory Changement was on everyone's lips during the presidential campaign. And change is indeed happening in Senegal. For the first time, the man who has led one of Africa's...
Vol 41 No 3 | SENEGAL Positively 4th street 4th February 2000 President Abdou Diouf's plans for a fourth term in office face two big obstacles in the 27 February elections: growing militancy and coordination among the opposition parties and...
Vol 40 No 21 | SENEGALBRITAIN Au secours! 22nd October 1999 Commerce Minister Khalifa Sall amazed British business audiences in Belfast, Glasgow and London by saying he wanted Senegal to be 'saved' from the influence of Paris. More conventionally,...
Vol 40 No 16 | SENEGAL Presidential field 6th August 1999 The arrival of a contingent of Legionnaires in the latest French troop rotation raised eyebrows in Dakar. A presidential election is due next February and the country...
Vol 40 No 3 | GUINEA BISSAUSENEGAL Treaty testing 5th February 1999 As regional diplomats struggled to negotiate a truce on 3 February, the French-backed peacekeeping initiative, Renforcement des Capacités Africaines en Maintien de la Paix (RECAMP), was at...