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Population: 227.71m
GDP: $199.72bn
Debt: 50.68% of GDP (2024)

news from Nigeria

Category: all

Found 786 articles.

Displaying 771-780 out of 786 results.

Biligual diplomacy

General Sani Abacha's 31 December announcement that by stepping up French teaching, Nigeria will in 'a very short time' become bilingual is a shrewd diplomatic move, however unrealistic...

Privatising politics

The ruling soldiers believes that selling state assets will win them friends and influence

The government is pushing ahead with its sale of state assets in the hope of reaping political and economic dividends. First to come to market will be the...

Abacha's agbada

The military announce five new parties and six new states but leave key questions open

Alongside General Sani Abacha's bold plans to sell the state oil and gas companies, plans for his political transition are becoming clearer. Above all, the government is determined...

Troubled Times

The appointment last month of veteran journalist Peter Enahoro as sole administrator of the Daily Times is the Abacha government's latest bid to rescue the ailing newspaper group.

For sale

Delighting the IMF and World Bank, General Abacha plans to sell off the oil sector. Many wonder who will benefit

Finance Minister Anthony Ani's announcement that the government will sell its holdings in the oil, telecommunications and power sectors – valued at over US$50,000 million – marks a...

Go East, young man

General Abacha's new enthusiasm for things eastern is beginning to pay commercial and diplomatic dividends

Increasingly, it seems that General Sani Abacha is drawing his political and business inspiration from the East. By bringing Malaysian, South Korean and Chinese companies into the country,...

Commonwealth collapse

Foreign minister Ikimi and his team bamboozle Marlborough House

Nigeria's delegation of 17 emerged victorious from its closed-door confrontation with the Commonwealth Ministerial Action Group in London on 24-25 June. Led by Foreign Minister Tom Ikimi, it...

Fat margins

Oil traders and their sponsors may grumble that prices are low. But for the well-connected trader Nigeria is offering some of the best returns around. A comparison of...

Missing person

Poison pen letters and Abacha's absences are causing concern in Abuja

What can account for General Sani Abacha's continuing absences from public functions? One reason suggested by those close to the Aso Rock headquarters is that Abacha and his...

Sacking the Sultan

Dethroning Dasuki and cocking a snook at the Commonwealth will not solve the crisis

These are busy days for General Sani Abacha. Critics of his slow work rate and his indecisiveness are revising their opinions. In one week, he has sacked the...

Displaying 771-780 out of 786 results.