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Population: 227.71m
GDP: $199.72bn
Debt: 50.68% of GDP (2024)

news from Nigeria

Category: all

Found 790 articles.

Displaying 221-230 out of 790 results.

Oando chief takes on his foes

The company's management is fighting the regulator's orders to quit amid threats of fresh investigations

A reckoning is due in the battle for Oando, one of the country's biggest independent oil companies, after the market regulator barred its CEO and his deputy from...

Troubles mount for Buhari

There will be no radical changes in economic policy but a reshuffle of the security chiefs is probable and long overdue

It may have been lack-lustre economy or the deepening national security crisis but President Muhammadu Buhari's swearing-in on 29 May was a morose affair. It was also short...

OPL245: Fight or flight

A new claim for damages by the Federal Republic of Nigeria, linked to a historic scandal over the controversial award of the OPL 245 oil licence, is set...

Atiku takes his beef to DC

Atiku Abubakar is sticking by his claims of fraud in the Nigerian presidential election. He is spending $30,000 on Washington DC lobbyists Fein and DelValle to try to...

Counter-terror error

Four years after imposing a ban on economic activity along the shores of Lake Chad aimed at staunching the flow of funds to the Nigerian Islamist militia Boko...

Clean-up or cover-up?

Links between Big Oil and politicians are blocking a multimillion-dollar environmental rescue plan for the Delta

The UN-mandated clean-up of oil-polluted Ogoniland is becoming mired in allegations of pay-outs to politicians to rig elections in Rivers State. Violence and vote-rigging over two successive weekends...

Election credibility on trial

With his party winning new ground in state elections, the opposition presidential candidate alleges systematic voter fraud

Promising to call evidence from forensic scientists, statisticians and psephologists, the People's Democratic Party presidential candidate Atiku Abubakar filed his petition challenging the official results of the 23...

The stayaway election

A dull campaign then a delayed vote resulted in the lowest turnout in two decades

Although Muhammadu Buhari comfortably defeated his main challenger Atiku Abubakar in presidential elections on 23 February, voter turnout was just 35.6%, the lowest since the return to civil...

Drama in the delay

Accusations of malfeasance and conspiracy follow the last-minute postponement of the national elections

In an election campaign that has failed to capture the nation's imagination, the announcement that voting would be delayed by a week, less than six hours before it...

Governors get set

As the states demand more power from the creaking federal system, the governorship races are getting closer and more important

When the world shifts its attention away from Nigeria's headline-making presidential election, the country's provincial politicians will be shifting into high gear. On 9 March, Nigerians trudge back...

Displaying 221-230 out of 790 results.