Vol 53 No 2 | MOZAMBIQUEUNITED STATES Maputo shuns US concern 20th January 2012 The government appears indifferent about beefing up coastal security and introducing anti-pirate laws The United States is making little headway in its bid to get Mozambique and other coastal states to beef up their anti-piracy laws and their military response. It...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 1 | MOZAMBIQUEASIA Maputo’s pan-Asian business plan 10th November 2011 The government is bringing in investment from every substantial economy in Asia to back its industrialisation and energy projects From the roads and rail networks to telecoms, the energy sector and the myriad minerals buried in its soil, there has been a sharp spike in the presence...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 1 | MOZAMBIQUEASIA Diverse diplomats 10th November 2011 The array of investments across the economy shows that the government is keen to see Mozambique diversify away from purely resource-based flows. The variety of Asian partners is...
Vol 52 No 25 | MOZAMBIQUE Return of the Chissanoistas 16th December 2011 President Guebuza’s bid to stay on looks dead, which could mean a Chissano comeback After seven years of consolidating his position, Armando Emílio Guebuza now faces the failure of his bid to change the constitution to permit him a third term as...
Vol 52 No 25 | MOZAMBIQUE Comrades and compromisers 16th December 2011 Eduardo Mulémbuè: Parliament's former, long-serving Speaker, is a low-key, neutral figure with support across the Frente de Libertação de Moçambique (Frelimo) factions and a good compromise candidate.
Vol 52 No 25 | MOZAMBIQUE Small coup in Quelimane 16th December 2011 The victory of the Movimento Democrático de Moçambique in the mayoral by-election in Quelimane on 7 December was a humiliating – and unnecessary – defeat for the ruling...
Vol 52 No 19 | MOZAMBIQUE By-election business 23rd September 2011 The resignation of three Frente de Libertação de Moçambique mayors is raising strong political interest, as well as the hopes of opposition parties, in the by-elections set for...
Vol 52 No 18 | MOZAMBIQUE Taking a stake in economic development 9th September 2011 Presidential friends edge out Frelimo’s friends Since Armando Emílio Guebuza won the presidential election in 2006, more and more members of his circle have obtained stakes in the economy and partnerships with foreign businesses....
Vol 52 No 18 | MOZAMBIQUE Celso Correia, favourite son 9th September 2011 At the age of 30, Celso Correia became the head of Mozambique’s second largest bank, the Banco Comercial e de Investimentos (BCI), and of the strategic northern transport...
Vol 52 No 18 | LIBYAMOZAMBIQUESUDANUNITED KINGDOM Lobbying on 9th September 2011 Just as Mozambique’s Resistência Nacional Moçambicana threatens to return to violence, the man who championed it at the height of its atrocities has surfaced in papers found in...