Vol 51 No 15 | MALI A formidable new party 23rd July 2010 Party leaders face a new challenger for the 2012 succession to retiring President Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT). The Parti pour le développement économique et solidaire (PDES), launched on...
Vol 50 No 24 | MALI Drugs and thugs 4th December 2009 Interpol is investigating the fate of a Boeing jet carrying some 10 tonnes of cocaine which landed in Mali on 2 November and may have been deliberately destroyed....
Vol 49 No 23 | GUINEAMALI Towards Mali 14th November 2008 Last week's discovery of a consignment of weapons in a car en route to Mali raises yet more questions about corruption and divisions within Guinea's security forces. A...
Vol 49 No 13 | MALI Tough times 20th June 2008 Things have turned unexpectedly nasty for the huge Saharan state These are tough times for Mali and its President Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT). On top of the surge in prices which affects all of Africa, he faces a...
Vol 49 No 13 | MALI Third term triangle 20th June 2008 Mali's democratic credentials are wearing thin at home despite winning international plaudits in the 16 years since Amadou Toumani Touré started the constitutional revolution in 1992.
Vol 49 No 3 | GUINEAMALIMOZAMBIQUE Ordinary rendition 1st February 2008 A diplomatic storm is brewing as Mozambican police crack down on West Africans they accuse of being illegal miners. The formal tone of a letter from the Mozambican...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 5 | MALAWIMALI Lights off 6th November 2008 The abrupt closure of the Malaysian textile company Ramatex Group's operations in Windhoek with a loss of 3,000 jobs in early March has sparked a political row with trades unionists accusing...
Vol 48 No 10 | MALI La caravane passe au Mali 11th May 2007 Malian President Amadou Toumani Touré's electoral triumph ends 'the politics of consensus' in place since 2002. Results from the Minister of Territorial Administration, General Kafougouna Koné, give ATT...
Vol 48 No 9 | MALI ATT seeks takokélén 27th April 2007 President Touré is poised to win a second term in Mali's presidential election on 29 April President Amadou Toumani Touré ('ATT'), has been campaigning for takokélén in the presidential election on 29 April. That's Bambara for 'taking all at once' - a first-round win....
Vol 48 No 9 | MALI Politicians and their parties 27th April 2007 Born in Mopti, Amadou Toumani Touré (ATT, 52) is backed by over 30 parties and myriad civil society organisations, along with the nebulous, 'apolitical' Mouvement Citoyen (Citizen's Movement),...