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Population: 24.1m
GDP: $21.65bn
Debt: 52.34% of GDP (2024)

news from Mali

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Found 181 articles.

Displaying 91-100 out of 181 results.

    Vol 55 No 21 |
  • MALI

Crisis returns as talks falter

Negotiations over the future of the north have resumed without much sign of any rapprochement

Lethal attacks by jihadists on United Nations' forces and armed clashes among Tuareg factions take place against a background of another round of sluggish peace talks in Algiers....

    Vol 55 No 19 |
  • MALI

MINUSMA minus one

Albert Gerard 'Bert' Koenders, the United Nations Secretary General's Special Representative in Mali, may soon be en route to the Hague, where he is seen as the favourite...

    Vol 55 No 12 |
  • MALI

Ripples from Kidal

As retired air force Colonel Major Ba N'Dao settles in as the new Defence Minister, a parliamentary investigation begins into the rout of the army at Kidal on...

    Vol 55 No 11 |
  • MALI

IBK ducks the blame for Kidal

The army’s defeat by the MNLA has dramatically altered the balance of forces, damaged the President’s reputation and angered the UN

The Malian army suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Tuareg rebels at the northern town of Kidal on 21 May and the aftershocks are taking a...

    Vol 55 No 8 |
  • MALI

Keïta's six-month itch

The resignation of the government – after just six months in office – points to growing pressure on President Keïta

Elected in triumph last August, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta faces growing criticism over failures to broker a settlement in the north and boost the national economy. The government's...

    Vol 55 No 6 |
  • MALI

Sanogo case falters

Procedural errors in the arrest and prosecution of Malian coup leader General Amadou Haya Sanogo may be enough to see his trial collapse, legal sources in Bamako have...

    Vol 55 No 6 |
  • MALI

Talking Timbuktu

Deepening divisions among the armed groups – and the heavy hand of IBK – undermine the chances for talks on peace in the north

Swept to power on a nationalist platform in elections last September, President Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta intends to make peace on his own terms or not at all. That...

    Vol 55 No 3 |
  • MALI

Peace process slows down

The Security Council has sent its own delegation to Mali to try to improve relations with Bamako and advance peace talks on the north

The United Nations Mission, the Mission multidimensionnelle intégrée des Nations Unies pour la stabilisation au Mali, hopes to draw encouragement and a renewed sense of purpose from the...

    Vol 55 No 2 |
  • MALI

Serval’s birthday evokes mixed emotions

Bamako held a parade to mark the first anniversary of the French intervention. Admiration, pride and suspicion were also on display, as a new military pact takes shape

French Defence Minister Jean-Yves le Drian was the most notable guest at the ceremony on 20 January to mark the 53rd anniversary of the national armed forces, the...

    Vol 55 No 1 |
  • MALI

Reconciliation and repression

Preventing ethnic conflict will be a major priority, but special interests threaten to interfere

Ibrahim Boubacar Keïta has passed the key electoral tests. He holds a decisive presidential mandate and the National Assembly is in place (AC Vol 54 No 17, IBK's...

Displaying 91-100 out of 181 results.