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GDP: $48.22bn
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news from Libya

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Found 146 articles.

Displaying 121-130 out of 146 results.

Opening the books

It did not take long for new head of government Shukri Ghanem, a leading liberal by the standards of the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ('State of the...

Getting to know the Colonel again

One-time Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Chester Crocker and two American oil companies are urging President George W. Bush to start a cautious rapprochement with Libya....

The quiet pro-American

Mostly quiet on the Iraq war, Colonel Gadaffi wants his oil industry to be run by US companies

The normally loquacious Moammar el Gadaffi, erstwhile champion of Arab nationalism and bogeyman of United States President Ronald Reagan (and many others) in the 1980s, spent the weeks...

Hasty engagement

Friends and aspiring friends rush to embrace him but Gadaffi is in no hurry

A big new hotel and high-rise housing blocks are going up in Tripoli. Libya says it wants to join the World Trade Organisation (WTO). Resolution of the dispute...

Unfinished business

Libya has considerable unfinished business to resolve with the West if it hopes to reintegrate into the global economy and avoid further retribution for past misdemeanours.

Tough nut to crack

Moammar el Gadaffi wants Silvio Berlusconi to buy him a railway or a road. Then he might just stop bending visitors' ears about Italian abuses during Benito Mussolini's...

Retirement tent

Leaders of the Gadaffi family circle and expert committees are quietly discussing plans for a constitution.

Patassé's pals

President Ange-Félix Patassé has become even more dependent on the protection of Libya and its Bangui garrison, as last month's arrest of Finance Minister Eric Sorongopé-Zoumanji on corruption...

Displaying 121-130 out of 146 results.