Vol 50 No 7 | LIBYAWEST AFRICAMIGRATION Aller-retour 3rd April 2009 Huge numbers of West Africans hope to make a living abroad but find barriers in neighbouring countries and the rich West The loss of more than 200 lives on 30 March, when a ship carrying African migrants to Europe sank off the coast of Libya, prompted calls for rich...
Vol 50 No 7 | LIBYAAFRICAMIGRATION Libya and its African brothers 3rd April 2009 The row in Africa over migration weakens progress towards the African Union's aims of the free movement of people, goods and services across the continent, says Albert Ouédraogo,...
Vol 50 No 1 | LIBYA The Gadaffi business 9th January 2009 The Gadaffis expect to enjoy another generation in power; this is not universally popular Libya’s Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi who, in 40 years of power, has traded his status as scourge of the United States and self-appointed leader of the Arab resistance...
Vol 49 No 24 | LIBYANORWAYFRANCE Identifying the problems 28th November 2008 France’s Total and Spain’s Repsol YPF oil companies are under pressure to divulge who received more than US$6 million in consultant fees paid to suspected politically connected intermediaries...
Vol 49 No 15 | KENYALIBYA The Colonel's shopping spree 18th July 2008 Libyan investment in Kenya has grown over the past three years from almost nothing to an estimated tens of billions of Kenya shillings. The Libyans are now on...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 10 | KENYALIBYAINDIA Three is a crowd 3rd November 2008 Efforts by Kenya to push a compromise over a refineries contract between companies from Libya and India over oil are proving messy Kenya finally has succeeded in bringing together rival suitors for an oil refinery rehabilitation contract - but failed to secure an agreement. The acting Finance Minister, John Michuki,...
Vol 48 No 25 | LIBYAFRANCE Pitching camp 14th December 2007 Serious divisions emerged in French President Nicolas Sarkozy's government over his lavish hosting of Libya's Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi.
Vol 48 No 21 | LIBYAUNITED STATES Security seats 19th October 2007 The election of Libya to a seat on the United Nations Security Council on 16 October offers an opportunity for Mohamed Seif al-Islam, the son of leader Colonel...
Vol 48 No 16 | LIBYAQATARFRANCE Winning ways 3rd August 2007 French and Qatari commercial interests are the clear winners from Presidential wife Cécilia Sarkozy's success in persuading Libyan leader Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi to release five Bulgarian nurses...
Vol 46 No 5 | LIBYAFRANCE Hannibal's campaign 4th March 2005 Moammar el Gadaffi is working hard to build a new oil-friendly image. His son, named Hannibal after the North African general who so nearly conquered the Roman empire,...