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Population: 6.91m
GDP: $48.22bn
Debt: No data

news from Libya

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Found 147 articles.

Displaying 101-110 out of 147 results.

Solid foundations

Chinese traders in Tripoli are watching closely to see how the Western-led attacks on Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime will affect business in the short term. South Korean...

Oil, money and infighting

As Tripoli hosted a summit for Africa and Europe, the Libyan leader berated his European counterparts for lack of attention to Africa, although his own commitment to his...

Gadaffi's Jacob and Esau

With its control of state revenue - amounting to over US$400 billion – for the past four decades, the Gadaffi family has become a sprawling, opaque and sometimes...

Gadaffi guns for Seoul's spy

An espionage row is holding up progress on a US$438 million project.

An espionage row in which Libya expelled one of Seoul’s secret agents is holding up progress on a US$438 million project signed on 6 August between South Korea’s...

    Vol 3 (AAC) No 2 |

Musa Kusa

Foreign Affairs Minister, Libya

Libya's Foreign Minister Musa Kusa was among the first of a wave of African ministers who are loudly and publicly criticising China's activities. In a 10 November interview with the London-based...

A new diplomatic deal after four decades in power

Forty years after his El Fatah Revolution, Libyan leader Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi gave his first address to the United Nations General Assembly on 23 September with a meandering, 94-minute speech from which Western leaders made sure they absented themselves. The upset caused by the homecoming celebration for Abdelbaset al Megrahi, convicted of the Lockerbie bombing, showed that Gadaffi's diplomatic rehabilitation was far from complete, despite his regime's abandoning its nuclear weapons programme in 2003 and reopening its oil industry to foreign investors.

Sporting a rust-brown robe and a black cap, Moammar el Gadaffi opened his address to the General Assembly with a greeting to 'our son Obama' on behalf of...

Britain's demanding ally in Tripoli

Britain's release of convicted terrorist Abdelbaset al Megrahi has prompted widespread criticism (especially from Washington), but Whitehall officials judged it worth the price of closer security...

Who's Who

Power in Libya is concentrated around Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi's family and a select group of politicians

Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi: the 67-year old Brother Leader of the Revolution is still in complete command. All speculation about his children's influence must be put in the...

Displaying 101-110 out of 147 results.