Vol 52 No 7 | LIBYA The opposition breaks cover, slowly 1st April 2011 The West’s new allies in Libya are largely unknown. The most familiar faces to join the revolution include the Ambassador to the United Nations, Abdel Rahman Shalgam, a...
Vol 52 No 6 | LIBYA Europe's new line on Gadaffi 18th March 2011 As the regime attacks civilians, European states are tearing up their trade deals with Gadaffi and his family The European Union’s decision to freeze the assets of the Central Bank of Libya, the Libyan Investment Authority sovereign fund and other businesses could have serious consequences for Libyan investment...
Vol 52 No 5 | LIBYA Gadaffi's fight to the death 4th March 2011 After seizing the east of the country and the oil installations, the opposition steels itself for a long campaign As Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi fights back hard against his opponents, the prospect of his early overthrow has given way to concern about widespread instability in a deeply...
Vol 52 No 4 | LIBYA Uneasy lies the head 18th February 2011 The WikiLeaks cables reveal much about the Gadaffi family and show that no one expects real change or reform until after the Colonel’s departure The secret world of Libya’s oil industry, as well as its palace politics, has been laid bare by the publication of hundreds of United States cables by WikiLeaks...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 12 | LIBYAASIA Rebuilding relations 5th October 2011 The National Transitional Council (NTC) has finally formed a government, which should kickstart Libya’s reconstruction despite the fact that loyalists to former leader Moammar el Gadaffi are still holding out in Sirte....
Vol 4 (AAC) No 12 | LIBYA Mustafa Abdel Jalil 5th October 2011 Chairman, National Transitional Council, Libya
Vol 4 (AAC) No 9 | LIBYACHINA Castles made of sand 13th July 2011 Instability in the Middle East and North Africa has put pressure on China’s non-interference principle, pushing it into more pragmatic territory Beijing signalled the biggest change in its Africa policy when it decided to accept the National Transitional Council as a negotiating partner in the peace talks between Colonel...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 8 | LIBYATURKEY Strategic depth charge 9th June 2011 On 23 May Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, President Abdullah Gül and Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu held talks in Ankara with the Chairman of the Libyan Interim Transitional...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 5 | LIBYAASIA Beijing and Delhi change tack 31st March 2011 The crisis in Libya is exposing foreign policy contradictions across the world – including among Asia’s rising powers China and India, like many Western and African states, have torn up their diplomatic rule books as the crisis in Libya moves from revolution to civil war. First...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 5 | LIBYAASIA Solid foundations 31st March 2011 Chinese traders in Tripoli are watching closely to see how the Western-led attacks on Colonel Moammar el Gadaffi’s regime will affect business in the short term. South Korean...