Vol 51 No 10 | KENYA Witnesses under threat 14th May 2010 The 8-13 May visit of International Criminal Court Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo to Kenya allowed President Mwai Kibaki’s government to maintain the pretence that it is cooperating with...
Vol 51 No 9 | KENYA Worrying the witnesses 30th April 2010 The people behind the post-election political violence are threatening witnesses and trying to derail the international investigation Claims that a senior official in the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights (KNCHR) has been handing over information to politicians about witnesses to the 2007 post-election violence...
Vol 51 No 9 | KENYA Bye bye Betty 30th April 2010 Betty Murungi’s resignation from the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission on 19 April may trigger its disbanding. Two weeks earlier, Murungi had withdrawn from her post as TJRC...
Vol 51 No 8 | KENYAGERMANY German exile 16th April 2010 News that Oku Kaunya, a former deputy Commandant in the Administration Police, has gone into exile in Germany will concentrate the minds of the investigators from the International...
Vol 51 No 7 | KENYA A blow against impunity 2nd April 2010 The International Criminal Court is to probe election violence and may put some leading politicians and business people on trial for crimes against humanity The 31 March decision by the judges of the International Criminal Court to approve an investigation into the 2007 election violence follows two years of obfuscation and ambivalence...
Vol 51 No 7 | KENYA A dangerous compromise 2nd April 2010 The politicians' failure to agree on serious reform of the government risks a repeat of the 2007 election crisis The 20-year quest for a new constitution looks set to end in a dangerous compromise. At the end of March, when Parliament debated the Harmonised Draft Constitution, it...
Vol 51 No 7 | KENYA Kiplagat's truth 2nd April 2010 The mounting pressure on Bethuel Kiplagat, the Chairman of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, after the resignation of its deputy head Betty Murungi on 29 March, raises...
Vol 51 No 5 | KENYA Truth and Kiplagat 5th March 2010 The position of Bethuel Kiplagat, Chairman of Kenya’s Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission, is under serious threat since the calls for his resignation by South African Archbishop Desmond...
Vol 51 No 4 | KENYA Maize splits the Grand Coalition 19th February 2010 The Kibaki-Odinga courtship is over again and presidential contenders head for the brink before the 2012 elections Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s 16 February call for his allies to boycott cabinet meetings until the furore over his right to suspend ministers is settled shows how quickly...
Vol 51 No 3 | KENYA An American agreement 5th February 2010 After a decade of arguments over sharing power at the centre, the politicians now agree they want a US-style presidential system Kenyans are puzzled by the sudden agreement on the role of the presidency and devolution of power by 26 members of the Parliamentary Select Committee. The PSC was...