Vol 41 No 25 | GHANA View of the Volta 22nd December 2000 A victorious opposition should remember Ghana's poorest people voted against it Opposition politicians brim with confidence after the 7 December elections gave the New Patriotic Party 99 seats in the 200-seat parliament against 92 for the incumbent National Democratic...
Vol 41 No 23 | GHANA A bandwagon for change 24th November 2000 As President Rawlings prepares to bow out, the opposition parties have their best chance of winning power in a decade One of Ghana's experienced political observers recently confided to a friend in Accra: 'For the first time in this country, I have no idea what is going to...
Vol 41 No 23 | GHANA My country right and left 24th November 2000 The seven presidential candidates and parties contesting the 7 December elections offer an odd mix of professed ideologies and political histories. For 50 years, Ghanaian political allegiance has...
Vol 41 No 17 | GHANA Platonically yours 1st September 2000 The plot reads like a cross between West African market literature and an American soap opera. Yet the 'love story' - or mere 'platonic relationship' - between presidential...
Vol 41 No 10 | GHANA As you were 12th May 2000 The suspense is over. President Jerry Rawlings told a special convention of his National Democratic Congress (NDC) on 29 April: 'When - I am not saying if -...
Vol 41 No 6 | GHANA Turning off the taps 17th March 2000 Relations between President Jerry Rawlings' government and the World Bank are at their lowest ebb following the Bank's decision to cancel a US$100 million water project loan because...
Vol 40 No 24 | GHANA Tarnished gold 3rd December 1999 Confusion in the markets, muddle at the top and elections ahead The peaceful march by oppositionists to a rally at Accra sports stadium on 25 November has put the country's wobbly economy back at the political centre-stage and President...
Vol 40 No 21 | GHANA Saudi white knight 22nd October 1999 A three-headed battle for control of Ghana's flagship Ashanti Goldfields Corporation began after its board declared on 28 September that it couldn't meet potential liabilities of US$450 million...
Vol 40 No 14 | GHANA Privatising politics 9th July 1999 Britain's Department of International Development is at the centre of a political row after cancelling a contract with consultants linked to the opposition Reform Movement. The consultants, United...
Vol 40 No 11 | GHANA Reforming the reformers 28th May 1999 Schisms are growing in the ruling NDC - much to the delight of the opposition Jerry John Rawlings' ruling National Democratic Congress is frenetically purging party ranks and has launched a full-frontal assault on a group of dissident NDC politicians known as...