Vol 5 (AAC) No 2 | GHANACHINA A special relationship in the making 13th December 2011 Many in the governing National Democratic Congress want to boost ties with China to new heights: their target is some US$10 billion of Chinese loans (AAC Vol 3...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 2 | GHANASOUTH KOREABRIEFING Housing scheme crumbles 13th December 2011 The multi-billion-dollar housing venture run by South Korea’s STX and a group of Ghanaian investors looks close to collapse, with the partners embroiled in lengthy court actions against...
Vol 52 No 24 | GHANAOIL AND GAS A pipeline of votes 2nd December 2011 Delays and disputes over a gas-fired industrial project could damage President John Atta Mills ahead of next year’s elections The promise that an offshore gas pipeline and processing plant – a cornerstone of Ghana’s new industrial plan – will be completed around the time of the presidential...
Vol 52 No 24 | GHANA The IMF and the Chinese loan puzzle 2nd December 2011 The view of Ghana as an economic success, one held by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, comes with a price tag. Last year, the first...
Vol 52 No 19 | GHANAUNITED STATES Are the politicians high? 23rd September 2011 Gossip in Accra produced entertaining US diplomatic cables but raises serious questions about rising political tensions Politicians in Accra have been exploiting sensational material in the latest batch of leaked United States diplomatic cables. The gossip, insights and purportedly inside information seem to damage...
Vol 52 No 15 | GHANA A Mills bomb for Rawlings 22nd July 2011 Having secured the presidential nomination for the incumbent, the top NDC officials cannot afford to ignore his challenger Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings, wife of ex-President Jerry John Rawlings, the National Democratic Congress founder, timed her bid badly. A special congress of Ghana’s governing NDC on 8-9...
Vol 52 No 14 | GHANA Oil and reality 8th July 2011 The most obvious beneficiaries of Ghana’s oil boom so far have been the shareholders of the international companies operating there. Both Ireland’s Tullow Oil, listed on the London...
Vol 52 No 13 | GHANA Parallel lines 24th June 2011 As the political stars hit the campaign trail a year early, they start a national debate about the economy So far the election season is a three-cornered contest with a lively battle for the leadership of the governing National Democratic Congress, which has prompted the leader of...
Vol 52 No 10 | GHANA All for the sake of the party 13th May 2011 A battle royal for the presidential nomination of the National Democratic Congress will shape the country’s politics for the coming year and beyond Overseas, Ghana’s stock could hardly be higher. Its many admirers point to its record of organising free elections, resolving conflict and sound economic management. So onlookers are baffled...
Vol 4 (AAC) No 11 | GHANACHINA The revolution will be financed 15th September 2011 President John Atta Mills plans to use Chinese credit lines to develop the country’s hydrocarbons infrastructure and build up an industrial base Opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP) members of parliament were up in arms when the governing National Democratic Congress (NDC) used its slim parliamentary majority to push through approval...