Vol 53 No 4 | GHANA The Woyome scandal and its casualties 17th February 2012 The Woyome scandal has so far claimed two cabinet ministers. The Education Minister and former Attorney General, Betty Mould-Iddrisu, resigned on 23 January, after her successor as AG,...
Vol 53 No 3 | GHANA It's Woyome time 3rd February 2012 A scandal is growing over the government’s decision in 2010 to pay 58 million cedis (US$34.45 mn.) in compensation on a ‘financial engineering’ contract to Alfred...
Vol 53 No 2 | GHANA The Accra boosters 20th January 2012 Foreign praise-singers try to justify aid but skate over the difficult choices facing President Mills before this year’s elections Western commentators and politicians are lining up to pour accolades on Ghana. Some are self-interested: they aim to show that their policies and aid budgets are working. Aid...
Vol 53 No 1 | GHANA Great expectations 6th January 2012 The 2012 elections may delay, but will not stop, the resource-driven progress towards prosperity Once again, politics could shape Ghana’s economic future. The national elections due on 7 December 2012 will determine which party is to manage the transition to a medium-income...
Vol 53 No 1 | GHANA Getting the vote right 6th January 2012 The straight-talking director of Ghana’s Electoral Commission, Kwadwo Afari-Djan, and his team have organised five multiparty elections since 1992, each one more credible than the last. The 2012...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 7 | GHANACHINA NDC hopes for Beijing election bonanza 4th May 2012 Vice-President Mahama’s April trip to Beijing sealed a position of primacy for China and paves the way for more oil-backed loans Just twelve months after the start of commercial oil production, Ghana has mortgaged its lucrative oil marketing monopoly to Unipec via the state-owned Ghana National Petroleum Corporation –...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 6 | GHANACHINA Wary of pipeline politics 28th March 2012 Political and technical worries are holding back progress on the ambitious plans for a national gas industry Planning and construction work on Ghana’s US$850 million gas pipeline is slowing down because the lead contractor – China’s Sinopec – fears that national elections in December could...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 6 | GHANACHINA The three billion dollar question 28th March 2012 The government’s decision to borrow US$3 billion from the China Development Bank (CDB) has become a key election issue, much to the irritation of the authorities in Beijing,...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 4 | GHANACHINASOUTH KOREABRIEFING The emperor's new house 10th February 2012 A bruising election year in Ghana kicked off with President John Atta Mills’s 9 January announcement of the death of South Korean company STX Corporation’s US$10 billion housing...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 2 | GHANACHINA Beijing’s gas loan tests IMF 13th December 2011 Officials in Washington are in last-minute negotiations over a compromise deal on the terms of China’s multi-billion-dollar loan to Accra The International Monetary Fund (IMF) looks set to bend its rules this month to accommodate Ghana’s rush to raise a US$700 million loan from China to build a...