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Population: 37.89m
GDP: $92.12bn
Debt: 70.3% of GDP (2024)

news from Angola

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Found 284 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 284 results.

Gargantuan debt servicing poses threat

The lessons of Kenya’s crisis loom large as Luanda officials search for a way to cut repayment demands

Angola is Africa’s second-biggest oil producer but is facing what is arguably the continent’s worst debt crisis. Unlike fellow heavily indebted economies in Ghana and Z...

Political glitches hold up reforms

Fear of popular protest deters the government from cutting fuel subsidies and privatising state assets

Midway into his second term, President João Lourenço has spent more time trying to consolidate his grip on the ruling Movimento Popular de Libertação de...


A win for the Dos Santos clan

The constitutional court has overturned the conviction of the former president's son in a fraud case, citing violations of his right to a fair trial

Angola's beleaguered former First Family has enjoyed a small victory after the country's constitutional court voided the 2020 conviction of José Filomeno dos Santos, aka Zen...


Lourenço faces a tough rebuild

An emboldened opposition and internal dissent point to hard months ahead for the President

President João Lourenço came out of last August's elections doubly weakened – by the opposition, which made historic gains despite the ruling Movimento Popular ...

UNITA plans protests but drops boycott

The opposition has reconciled itself to a stolen election, but the ruling party is nervous and may fall back on violent repression

Surrounded by hundreds of soldiers, João Lourenço was sworn in for a second presidential term at Praça da República in Luanda on 15 September. The first...

Lourenço's bruising victory

The ruling party may have won, but it has not emerged stronger from the result, nor has the President, who did not act like a graceful victor

The 24 August general elections produced the victory that President João Lourenço expected, but not by a margin that the Movimento Popular de Libertação...


Following in Odinga's footsteps

Opposition parties in Kenya and Angola challenged the official election results – but their petitions were both rejected in their countries' courts

After nearly 50 years of almost total dominance, the Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola (MPLA) suffered a nasty electoral shock in the 24 August general electi...


Displaying 1-10 out of 284 results.