Vol 49 No 7 | ETHIOPIA Addis plays its diplomatic cards 28th March 2008 Ethiopian diplomats are confident of a couple of successes at the United Nations in the coming weeks. The first is over Somalia, where the UN Special Representative Ahmedou...
Vol 48 No 24 | ETHIOPIA Ethiopia's options 30th November 2007 Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's government has three options for its Somalia policy, all of them formidably difficult.
Vol 48 No 20 | ERITREAETHIOPIA That troublesome border 5th October 2007 The quarrel between Addis Ababa and Asmara over their common border and the political chaos in Somalia is intensifying. The heat turned up after the Ethiopia Eritrea...
Vol 48 No 19 | ETHIOPIA The Ogaden's trickling sands 21st September 2007 The Ogaden's bloody struggle has a wider global dimension Thirty years ago, the United States National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski, declared that ‘SALT lies buried in the sands of the Ogaden’: he meant the Strategic Arms Limitation...
Vol 48 No 19 | ETHIOPIA Roots of the ONLF rebellion 21st September 2007 The Ogaden National Liberation Front joined the political system in Ethiopia’s Somali Regional in 1991 and it had a majority in the administration. In 1994, it split over...
Vol 48 No 16 | ETHIOPIA The Millennium deal 3rd August 2007 Political compromises could mark the start of a new style for both government and opposition To satisfy both domestic expediency and international pressure, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has commuted the life sentences passed on 35 of his opponents. That was expected and it...
Vol 48 No 16 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Boiling point 3rd August 2007 Eritrea and Ethiopia, whose leaders detest each other, are clashing on three regional issues. Moreover, hawks in Addis believe – rightly or wrongly – that Ethiopia's support for...
Vol 48 No 13 | ERITREAETHIOPIASOMALIA Warriors by proxy 22nd June 2007 With Somalia looking more settled, Ethiopia has been looking towards Eritrea, which it sees as the regional spoiler. On 8 June, Addis Ababa wrote to the United Nations...
Vol 48 No 9 | ETHIOPIASOMALIA The great gamble 27th April 2007 Ethiopia and others bet on the TFG A few weeks ago, it looked as if relative calm was returning to Mogadishu, but violence has soared again. Ethiopia says it wants its forces to leave but...
Vol 48 No 8 | ETHIOPIAKENYAUNITED STATES Rendition confusion 13th April 2007 The United States' War on Terror is catching many innocent people in its crossfire and hundreds of these are held incommunicado by the Ethiopian and Kenyan authorities on...