Vol 51 No 21 | ETHIOPIA Counting on growth 22nd October 2010 Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, now in his fourth consecutive term, uses his claimed economic policy prowess to counter critics Just before May’s general elections, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi attributed his expected victory to seven years of double-digit growth. Yet the figures are controversial and pose questions about...
Vol 51 No 18 | ETHIOPIA The new guard steps up 10th September 2010 Just before this year’s elections, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi promised an overhaul of the party leadership. the next generation of politicians is edging up the hierarchy in the...
Vol 51 No 16 | ETHIOPIA Opposition nuptials 6th August 2010 Activists in the opposition coalition Medrek met on 31 July to form a single party after their disastrous performance in the May elections (AC Vol 51 No 11)....
Vol 51 No 11 | ETHIOPIA Opposition wipe-out 28th May 2010 In 2005, all of Addis Ababa’s federal parliamentary seats went to the opposition; this time, preliminary results suggest that all but one have gone to the Ethiopian People’s...
Vol 51 No 11 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Mixed messages 28th May 2010 In a spirit of reconciliation not always seen from Asmara, Eritrea’s Ambassador in London, Tesfamicael Gerahtu, told AC that the people of his country and Ethiopia were ‘bound...
Vol 51 No 10 | ETHIOPIA Too many cooks 14th May 2010 With elections due on 23 May, Premier Meles Zenawi’s government is looking forward to another five years in office. Amid sporadic violence with several deaths, opposition and government...
Vol 51 No 8 | ETHIOPIA Looking for a landslide 16th April 2010 The ruling party is set to win next month’s elections amid growing criticism at home and abroad The government is determined to win by a landslide in the 23 May elections, to make up for the question marks over those of 2005 (AC Vol 46...
Vol 51 No 1 | ETHIOPIA Dry times for a quick election 8th January 2010 The government faces elections against a divided opposition: its biggest enemies are the weather and Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki The political calendar will be dominated by national elections on 23 May. The government wants to avoid a repeat of the violence that followed the 2005 elections, when...
Vol 51 No 1 | ETHIOPIA Dangerous neighbours 8th January 2010 Somalia and Eritrea will dominate Addis Ababa’s security concerns (AC Vol 50 No 18). New United Nations’ sanctions against Eritrea will have little immediate effect on President Issayas...