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Population: 107.39m
GDP: $145.03bn
Debt: 31.77% of GDP (2024)

news from Ethiopia

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Found 328 articles.

Displaying 221-230 out of 328 results.

The railway’s coming

Work will begin soon on the long-awaited new Ethiopia-Djibouti Railway. The two governments and their Chinese contractors are creating a US$1.5-billion trade corridor from Addis Ababa to the Djibouti...

Critics still not welcome

The Addis Ababa newspaper Awramba Times has all but closed following the late November flight abroad of Managing Editor Dawit Kebede. It is the latest manifestation of Prime...

Blue Nile blues

Egypt’s revolution seems to have boosted prospects for a settlement with Ethiopia over the Nile waters dispute. Cairo’s interim Prime Minister, Essam Abdel Aziz Sharaf, made a cordial...

Shouting insults

As Eritrea looks forward to serious earnings from gold, the old quarrel with Ethiopia is heating up again

After more than a decade complaining that they are the wronged party, top Ethiopian officials busily explain their new campaign to overthrow the neighbouring regime of President Issayas...

The anti-Asmara campaign

Meles is increasing the rhetoric against his neighbour and wants the United Nations to join in action against Asmara

Ethiopia’s blood feud with Eritrea is increasing in bitterness as Addis Ababa seeks to win more regional recruits to its cause. On 12 March, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles...

A five-year exit plan

As democracy activists pressure entrenched regimes across Africa, Premier Meles's government sets out its plans for controlled change

From a position of strength - there is just one opposition member of parliament - the ruling Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front has been setting out its plans to rebuild...

Telling the story

As the 13 May deadline for the Nile Basin Initiative Cooperative Framework looms, Egyptian efforts to stop the deal have become more apparent. The stances taken by Burundi...

To Berbera and beyond

A Chinese company is backing infrastructure projects to develop secessionist Somaliland and give Ethiopia greater access to the sea

Port and energy deals signed between a private Chinese company and the breakaway government of Somaliland should provide the region with the most important boost it has ever...

Seyoum Mesfin

Ambassador to China

With his January appointment as Ambassador to China, Seyoum Mesfin steps back from the day-to-day battles in Addis politics. He will, however, maintain a central role in his...

Displaying 221-230 out of 328 results.