Vol 57 No 17 | ETHIOPIA The centre holds on 26th August 2016 Cooperation between Amhara and Oromo oppositionists presents the government with one of its most serious challenges in 20 years The latest major jolt to Ethiopia's security and its ruling elites has come in the form of a protest in the north-western city of Bahir Dar, the seat... READ FOR FREE
Vol 57 No 15 | ETHIOPIA Another restive region 22nd July 2016 The recent violent protests in Gondar city would not be so significant if they had happened anywhere else in the country. But Gondar is in the Amhara heartlands,...
Vol 57 No 14 | ETHIOPIA Dam fine 8th July 2016 In a little-noticed action, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has fined the Ethiopian government for failing to observe the law regarding its fund-raising activities in...
Vol 57 No 12 | EGYPTETHIOPIA Dam provocations 10th June 2016 Egypt has reacted with annoyance to further undiplomatic remarks from Ethiopia about the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) being a fait accompli that everyone else will have to...
Vol 57 No 9 | ETHIOPIASOUTH SUDAN Raiders hit Gambella 29th April 2016 A ferocious raid by South Sudanese Murle forces into Ethiopia has raised questions about the ethnic division of the states The massive cross-border raid for cattle and children by South Sudanese Murle people into Ethiopia's Gambella Region provoked a robust reaction from Ethiopia's armed forces, by far the...
Vol 57 No 6 | ETHIOPIA Oromia erupts 18th March 2016 Mass protests in Oromia have escalated into a major challenge to the government, which shows no sign of compromise Unrest in Oromia flared last November, and then died away. Many thought it a flash in the pan, but this February protests re-ignited across the region. The spark...
Vol 56 No 25 | ETHIOPIA Edmonds in Ethiopia 18th December 2015 Controversial Zimbabwean mining entrepreneurs Andrew Groves and Phil Edmonds have embarked on a new project in Ethiopia to construct a bottling plant 45 kilometres north of Addis Ababa....
Vol 56 No 25 | ETHIOPIA 'Greater Addis' anger 18th December 2015 Human rights groups have accused the security forces of killing more than 40 people in Oromia state after renewed student protests broke out over the planned expansion of...
Vol 56 No 19 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Tongue-tied BBC 24th September 2015 After years of cutting services, the BBC World Service made a dramatic U-turn this month when the Director of the BBC World Service Group appointed last year, Francesca...
Vol 56 No 12 | ETHIOPIA Win big, win all 12th June 2015 The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front is set to become what its critics have long accused it of being: a government without an opposition. That is what the...