Vol 48 No 20 | ERITREAETHIOPIA That troublesome border 5th October 2007 The quarrel between Addis Ababa and Asmara over their common border and the political chaos in Somalia is intensifying. The heat turned up after the Ethiopia Eritrea...
Vol 48 No 16 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Boiling point 3rd August 2007 Eritrea and Ethiopia, whose leaders detest each other, are clashing on three regional issues. Moreover, hawks in Addis believe – rightly or wrongly – that Ethiopia's support for...
Vol 48 No 13 | ERITREAETHIOPIASOMALIA Warriors by proxy 22nd June 2007 With Somalia looking more settled, Ethiopia has been looking towards Eritrea, which it sees as the regional spoiler. On 8 June, Addis Ababa wrote to the United Nations...
Vol 48 No 9 | ERITREASOMALIA The Jihadists' friend 27th April 2007 Eritrea now condemns foreign involvement in Somalia. Last year, it sent large quantities of arms and fighters, and a training mission, to the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), then...
Vol 47 No 11 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Omissions 26th May 2006 The latest meeting of the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission, in London on 17 May, started badly, with the Commission President, Sir Elihu Lauterpacht QC of Britain, irritated by news...
Vol 47 No 6 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Tentative 17th March 2006 Secret talks in London on 10 March between American lawyers may help unblock the border dispute between Eritrea and Ethiopia, that killed 50-100,000 people in 1998-2000. Both governments...
Vol 46 No 22 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Breaking point, again 4th November 2005 There may be some diplomatic method in Asmara's apparent madness Indignant at what he calls blatant international bias against Eritrea in its border dispute with Ethiopia, President Issayas Afeworki is restricting the work of the United Nations Mission...
Vol 46 No 7 | ERITREA Wrong numbers again 1st April 2005 The United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea already has big credibility problems because of Ethiopia's continuing failure to implement a boundary commission ruling on where the frontier...
Vol 44 No 18 | ERITREAETHIOPIA War drift 12th September 2003 The United Nations Security Council will renew the mandate of the UN Mission to Eritrea and Ethiopia next week but the border remains unresolved and there is concern...
Vol 43 No 13 | ERITREA Disarmed but not demobbed 28th June 2002 People grow poorer and less free but the regime stands by its guns Despite sanctions by the European Union and other donors for bad governance, harsh treatment of political prisoners and tight controls on the press, President Issayas Aferworki shows no...