Vol 54 No 17 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Asmara and the Islamists 21st August 2013 Eritrea may be loosening relations with Al Shabaab A July report by the United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea claimed that the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice has resumed support to the...
Vol 54 No 4 | ERITREA Issayas staggers a little 15th February 2013 Whoever was responsible, the army rebellion and the seizure of Asmara’s television station expose growing cracks in the totalitarian facade News of mutiny filtered out of Eritrea in late January as it might out of a hermit kingdom. On 21 January, some 200 soldiers with at least two...
Vol 54 No 4 | ERITREAQATAR Qatar's cold shoulder 15th February 2013 At least one of President Issayas Aferworki’s few allies shows concern about his survival. On 2 February, Sudan’s President Omer Hassan Ahmed el Beshir and his leading defence...
Vol 5 (AAC) No 8 | ERITREACHINABRIEFING A golden entrance 1st June 2012 Australian mining firm Chalice Gold Mines announced on 27 April that it would sell its 60% stake in the Zara gold mine in Eritrea to China Shanghai Corporation...
Vol 52 No 16 | ERITREASOMALIA Politics and posturing 5th August 2011 People starve, aid is inadequate, relief agencies are spurned and the region’s insecurities fester The Horn of Africa’s worst drought in six decades has prompted the United Nations to take the rare step of declaring a famine in two regions of Somalia...
Vol 52 No 10 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Shouting insults 13th May 2011 As Eritrea looks forward to serious earnings from gold, the old quarrel with Ethiopia is heating up again After more than a decade complaining that they are the wronged party, top Ethiopian officials busily explain their new campaign to overthrow the neighbouring regime of President Issayas...
Vol 52 No 7 | ERITREAETHIOPIA The anti-Asmara campaign 1st April 2011 Meles is increasing the rhetoric against his neighbour and wants the United Nations to join in action against Asmara Ethiopia’s blood feud with Eritrea is increasing in bitterness as Addis Ababa seeks to win more regional recruits to its cause. On 12 March, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles...
Vol 52 No 5 | ERITREAMINING Gold rush 4th March 2011 Issayas used to be suspicious of foreigners, but that was before a mineral wealth bonanza looked possible The Eritrean President and leader of the ruling People’s Front for Democracy and Justice, Issayas Afewerki, has long sought to retain a closed economy and prevent non-Eritrean involvement in his...
Vol 52 No 5 | ERITREAMINING Eritrea is not for sale 4th March 2011 ‘Eritrea is not for sale.’ This used to be President Issayas Afewerki’s customary response to interest in his country’s considerable mineral resources. Now, as he faces greater isolation while needing...
Vol 51 No 11 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Mixed messages 28th May 2010 In a spirit of reconciliation not always seen from Asmara, Eritrea’s Ambassador in London, Tesfamicael Gerahtu, told AC that the people of his country and Ethiopia were ‘bound...