Vol 58 No 6 | ERITREANORTH KOREA Pariahs united 17th March 2017 A United Nations report provides evidence that outcasts stick together, if not always honourably. North Korea has been providing military radios to Eritrea, in violation of UN sanctions...
Vol 58 No 3 | ERITREAHORN OF AFRICA Eritrea's unsettling alliance 3rd February 2017 Asmara's new role as Saudi Arabia's ally is causing headaches in Addis just as Egypt makes overtures to Issayas Ethiopia is troubled by the deepening role of Eritrea in the Saudi Arabian-led coalition's war against Houthi rebels in Yemen and its enemy's consequent relief from diplomatic isolation....
Vol 57 No 7 | DJIBOUTIERITREA POW row heals 1st April 2016 President Ismaïl Omar Guelleh has been trying to capitalise on obtaining the release of four Djiboutian soldiers from Eritrean custody after mediation by Qatar. He hopes it...
Vol 56 No 23 | ERITREA Issayas looks north 20th November 2015 The President is helping the Saudi and Emirates' military campaign in Yemen in return for desperately needed money for the flagging economy Long isolated in the Horn of Africa, Eritrean President Issayas Afewerki is expanding his alliances and horizons. He has forged a new strategic military relationship with Saudi Arabia...
Vol 56 No 19 | ERITREAETHIOPIA Tongue-tied BBC 24th September 2015 After years of cutting services, the BBC World Service made a dramatic U-turn this month when the Director of the BBC World Service Group appointed last year, Francesca...
Vol 56 No 19 | ERITREA EU in denial 24th September 2015 The European Union is limiting the number of Eritreans whom member countries grant asylum to. Brussels is finalising a 200 million euro development aid package for Asmara which,...
Vol 56 No 13 | ERITREA Let my people stay 26th June 2015 Eritrean refugees are at the heart of Europe’s migration crisis but a divided European Union is at odds about how to deal with them Once, European countries were happy to gently chide the Asmara government for the oppression of its impoverished people, but the flotillas of its people sailing across the Mediterranean...
Vol 56 No 13 | ERITREA The men Issayas depends on 26th June 2015 After a failed coup in January 2013, President Issayas Aferworki moved to secure his regime by cracking down on dissent and radically restructuring the military. He deployed trusted...
Vol 56 No 10 | ERITREACHINA Sam Pa's pals in Asmara 15th May 2015 The secretive Chinese business executive Sam Pa (aka Xu Jinghua and other aliases) shares an intriguing past with Eritrea's equally publicity-shy leaders. This emerged from a new report...
Vol 54 No 17 | ERITREA The diaspora strikes back 21st August 2013 Asmara’s diplomatic isolation, rising opposition confidence in the diaspora and a continuing hard line from the UN put the regime under stress Cracks in the revolutionary façade of the ever-secretive People’s Front for Democracy and Justice (PFDJ) may be appearing, after January’s failed coup and concerted challenges to the tax...