Vol 50 No 4 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA New putsch, new players 20th February 2009 The gun battle in the early hours of 17 February between armed groups making a seaborne assault on Malabo and its security forces seems to have been sparked...
Vol 49 No 23 | CAMEROONEQUATORIAL GUINEA A kidnapped colonel 14th November 2008 Who kidnapped a presidential nephew in Yaounde; and why the neighbours disagree so often A row has broken out between Cameroon and its neighbour Equatorial Guinea after the abduction on 7 October in Yaounde of Cipriano Nguema Mba, apparently by Cameroonian police...
Vol 49 No 14 | EQUATORIAL GUINEABRITAIN No case, no answer 4th July 2008 On 26 June, Malabo quietly dropped a three-year campaign to pursue some of the alleged architects of the 2004 mercenary coup plot for civil damages in England (AC...
Vol 49 No 13 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA At the circus 20th June 2008 Britain's tenuous relations with Equatorial Guinea are likely to be the other casualty - alongside natural justice - after this week's show trial in Malabo of former Special...
Vol 49 No 9 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA Vicious voting 25th April 2008 Coup plot claims, a lucrative oil deal and a plane crash are enlivening the desultory campaigning ahead of parliamentary and municipal elections in Equatorial Guinea due on 4...
Vol 49 No 7 | EQUATORIAL GUINEASOUTH AFRICA Butcher Shop 28th March 2008 The sacked director of South Africa's National Intelligence Agency, Billy Masetlha, is at the centre of fresh claims about the agency's collusion with plotters against Equatorial Guinea's government....
Vol 49 No 4 | EQUATORIAL GUINEAZIMBABWE From Chikurubi to Blackbeach 15th February 2008 Simon Mann, former Special Air Service officer and mercenary, was extradited on 1 February from Zimbabwe to Equatorial Guinea, where he is to face charges of coup plotting...
Vol 1 (AAC) No 6 | EQUATORIAL GUINEACHINA Not working out 7th November 2008 The Chinese face labour problems all over Africa When China evacuated 400 construction workers from Mongomo in Equatorial Guinea in early April, it marked the culmination of a labour dispute with a difference. In several African countries, notably Zambia...
Vol 48 No 25 | CAMEROONEQUATORIAL GUINEA Bank blow 14th December 2007 A daring raid on two banks in Bata, Equatorial Guinea's commercial capital, on 5 December has prompted a sharp breach in relations with neighbouring Cameroon, an overhaul of...
Vol 47 No 23 | EQUATORIAL GUINEA All property is theft 17th November 2006 Disclosures about the business affairs of teodorin-nguema-obiang">teodorin Nguema Obiang, eldest son of President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, have boosted Malabo oppositionists and embarrassed big oil companies.