Vol 5 (AAC) No 9 | EGYPT Mohammed Mursi 30th June 2012 President, Egypt Too pragmatic for the Salafists, too conservative for secularists, Mohammed Mursi will walk a thin line after winning the presidency on 24 June.
Vol 5 (AAC) No 8 | ALGERIAEGYPTCHINA Zoning in and zoning out 1st June 2012 The Chinese special economic zone in Algeria is yet another case where plans to replicate successful Asian policies met with unpredictable local conditions.
Vol 5 (AAC) No 4 | EGYPT Mohammed Saad al Katatni 10th February 2012 People’s Assembly Speaker In a victory for the long-frustrated ambitions of the Muslim Brotherhood, the People’s Assembly has elected Mohammed Saad al Katatni, a stalwart of the MB’s political wing, as...
Vol 52 No 23 | EGYPT Electoral alliances 18th November 2011 Egyptians set off on their democratic electoral road using a system designed bythe army and with a confusing 42 or so parties to vote for, 31 formed since...
Vol 52 No 21 | EGYPT Generals stall the revolution 21st October 2011 The fall of Hosni Mubarak left a vacuum and the army wants to be sure his replacement will protect its interests The generals who rule in Cairo are well positioned to shape the new political landscape and hold on to their huge financial interests. As economic pressures grow on...
Vol 52 No 21 | EGYPT Coffers empty, power for sale 21st October 2011 The revolution has run low on funds as tourists have stayed away and businesses closed after President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak fell in February. Flaunting its nationalism, the Supreme...
Vol 52 No 16 | EGYPT Many more scores to settle 5th August 2011 The military makes history by putting one of its own on trial but cannot disguise the regime’s loss of direction On 3 August, ousted President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak appeared in court, caged and bedridden, alongside his two sons, Alaa el Din and Gamal, to face charges of murder...
Vol 52 No 16 | EGYPT Strange alliances 5th August 2011 Political parties are talking about a ‘Democratic Alliance’, combining the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) with rival groups such as Al Wafd, Al Ghad and others...
Vol 52 No 11 | EGYPTETHIOPIA Blue Nile blues 27th May 2011 Egypt’s revolution seems to have boosted prospects for a settlement with Ethiopia over the Nile waters dispute. Cairo’s interim Prime Minister, Essam Abdel Aziz Sharaf, made a cordial...
Vol 52 No 7 | EGYPT In command and control 1st April 2011 The generals have won some important tactical victories against the activists of Tahrir Square Six weeks after the military eased out President Mohamed Hosni Mubarak after a mass campaign against his regime, the generals are gradually reasserting their grip on Egypt’s political...