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news from France

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Found 146 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 146 results.

Identifying the problems

France’s Total and Spain’s Repsol YPF oil companies are under pressure to divulge who received more than US$6 million in consultant fees paid to suspected politically connected intermediaries...

Espion embarrassant

The leaked diaries of former French intelligence chief Yves Bertrand have enraged and amused the political establishment in Paris, which is already intrigued by the accusations of high-level...

The dead bite back

Rwanda accuses France of involvement in the 1994 genocide; France blames Rwanda; expect more accusations soon

France had hoped to repair the breach but Rwandan President Paul Kagame rejected the olive branch. On 5 August, his government published the report of an ‘independent’ commission,...

La Françafrique est morte, vive la Françafrique

It was right in the spirit of French President Nicolas Sarkozy's energetic ambivalence on Africa policy that he chose to announce Paris's new military plans for the region on a state visit to South Africa, the continent's economic powerhouse. Sarkozy was visiting the usual Francophone redoubts of Libreville and Ndjamena last month but he saved the big announcements for South Africa.

It was not the policy revolution that President Nicolas Sarkozy had been promising with his calls for a 'rupture' with France's past African policies. Faced with the complexities...

Bad marks

Just before President Nicolas Sarkozy and his new wife, Carla Bruni, set off on their African safari on 27 February to Chad, South Africa and Angola, Germany’s Bertelsmann...

Taxing times

Two politicians – South Africa’s highly effective Finance Minister Trevor Manuel and France’s forthright Cooperation Minister Jean-Marie Bockel – are adding to the pressure on international institutions to...

Cross patch

Bored with the fractious Euro-African summit in Lisbon on 8-9 December, French President Nicolas Sarkozy used the opportiunity to try to patch up quarrels with Côte d'Ivoire, Rwanda...

Healing the rift

Diplomatic relations between France and Rwanda may be on the mend. Rwanda broke them off in November 2006, after a French judge, Jean-Louis Bruguière, issued arrest warrants against...

Rapture not rupture

President Nicolas Sarkozy is billed as France's first post-colonial head of state but his first state visit to Africa did not presage a rupture with the Françafrique system....

Displaying 81-90 out of 146 results.