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news from Japan

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Found 76 articles.

Displaying 61-70 out of 76 results.

The tough trade talks after Hokkaido

Aid and trade are to be discussed as Africa looks to Japan to act on protectionist farming tariffs

Tokyo's careful diplomacy ahead of the Hokkaido G8 summit the 7-9 July now faces its biggest test among African states: how can Japan explain its stance at the next round...

Here comes Hokkaido

Africa policy on aid and commerce is central to Tokyo's diplomatic overhaul this year, as regional rivalries grow

In many ways, the fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development in Yokohama on 28-30 May was a dry run for Tokyo's Group of 8 summit in Hokkaido...

The new order

The times they are a-changing for Japan's bureaucrats

Behind the Yokohama summit scenery, Japanese civil servants continued with their reorganisation. Key to this is the Japan International Cooperation Agency under its President, Sadako Ogata, the driving force behind the...

Civil society tiptoes in

Japanese NGOs under pressure

From now on, Japan's non-governmental organisations will operate more like British NGOs such as Oxfam and Christian Aid, which manage substantial state aid funds. Local NGOs were barely represented at...

The Yokohama summit

As Tokyo plays host to African and world leaders this year, politicians try to reform the bureaucracy and boost aid again

Japan is launching major changes in its diplomatic and development strategy this year, coinciding with Yokohama's hosting of the fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) from...

Slim differences among the parties

How Japan's parties think about Africa, if they think about it at all

Before 1998, Japanese voters would have had some difficuty in identifying any difference in Africa policy among the three main parties. The Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ, Minshutu) admits that even...

    Vol 1 (AAC) No 7 |

Masatu Kitera

Director General of African Affairs, Japan

Masato Kitera is a typical example of the dependable civil servants that Japan has assigned to its Africa projects in advance of TICAD IV, to be held in...

Ticad Talks

Japan gets read to play host

With just a month to go before the fourth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD IV) on 28-30 May, the Japanese hosts are busily firming proposals that will both...

Displaying 61-70 out of 76 results.