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news from Japan

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Found 76 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 76 results.

    Vol 2 (AAC) No 10 |

Yasukazu Hamada

Minister of Defence, Japan

As the political head of a more outward-looking Japanese military, the Self-Defence Forces, Yasukazu Hamada is taking a robust line against pirates based in Somalia. In March, he ordered two SDF...

Tokyo's new loans for Africa

Japan is to add another US$4 billion in new concessional loans to Africa over the next five years, outpacing the spending of the China-Africa Development Fund, according to Koji Yonetani, the...

    Vol 2 (AAC) No 9 |

Seiko Hashimoto

State Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Japan

Seiko Hashimoto brings Olympic glamour to the Africa-Asia axis. Born in 1964 in Hokkaido, she competed in seven Olympic Games, four as a speed skater and three as...

    Vol 2 (AAC) No 7 |

Hirofumi Nakasone

Foreign Minister, Japan

Born in 1945, the Keio University graduate began his career with Asahi Chemical Industry in 1968 but turned to politics in 1983 after his father, Yasuhiro Nakasone, became...

Old King Coal

Japanese and Indian interest in Mozambican coal is growing and export prices are rising again. In a deal in March between the BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance and Japan's Nippon Steel with...

    Vol 2 (AAC) No 6 |

Nobuhide Minorikawa

Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, Japan

Nobuhide Minorikawa plays a leading role in the development of Japan's African diplomacy. With wide experience of development economics and diplomacy, he is a familiar face on the African conference circuit....

Missing the target

Economic and political troubles at home mean that Japan is having difficulty following through on its pledges to Africa

The man who was Japanese Prime Minister in 2007-08, Yasuo Fukuda, was in Botswana on 21-22 March for the follow-up meeting of the Tokyo International Conference on African...

A 'challenge and a big stress'

Before China, there was Japan, say Kenyans. The Japanese aid model is built largely around supplying technical expertise rather than direct budget support. Japanese experts in agriculture, energy and education are...

Yukiya Amano and Abdul Samad Minty

International Atomic Energy Agency Governors, Japan and South Africa

The International Atomic Energy Agency is to decide on a successor to Egypt's Mohamed ElBaradei as Director-General on 26-27 March. Two IAEA Governors, strong>Yukiya Amano and Abdul Samad...

Displaying 41-50 out of 76 results.