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news from Russia

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Found 69 articles.

Displaying 61-69 out of 69 results.

The Russians are coming

Looking for big projects and with plenty of cash, three Russian companies are ready to invest in Zambia's mines

Three Russian companies plan to inject over US$2 billion into Zambia's mining sector. If this project is successful, it will be the country's single biggest foreign direct investment....

Nuclear nexus

South African officials visiting Russia on 22-23 May were in damage-control mode. In March, Eskom let it be known that the Russian nuclear reactor builder Atomstroyexport (ASE), would...

Russian roulette

The shooting dead of a Nigerian driver and kidnapping of six Russians from their compound in Ikot Abasi, Akwa Ibom, looks like an escalation in a complex feud...

Going nuclear Russian-style

Russia hopes to buy uranium from Africa and sell it generators, as nuclear power comes back into fashion. It has made offers to Angola (AC Vol 48 No...

Moscow marriages

Russian businessman and director of prestigious British banking consultancy Fleming Family & Partners (FF&P) Mark Garber is developing a reputation as a key marriage broker between Moscow-based oligarchs...

Russian roulette

A touted take-over of Gold Fields by Harmony Gold, both major South African companies, looks as though it may be about to fall flat on its face. Harmony...

The wrong planes

With a deft sense of timing, Russia's MiG aircraft company has announced that is about to complete the supply of 12 MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters to Sudan.


Russia is still punching holes in United States’ sanctions: its Fuel and Energy Ministry is finalising an agreement with Tripoli that is to relaunch oil projects stalled by...

Displaying 61-69 out of 69 results.