Vol 62 No 1 | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICRWANDARUSSIA Elections crisis escalates as Russian and Rwandan troops fly in 23rd December 2020 Facing a coalition of rebel militias opposed to his government and the elections, President Touadéra has called for help from Moscow and Kigali, sidelining the UN Presidential and parliamentary elections due on 27 December are in the balance as a coalition of militias tries to oust President Faustin Archange Touadéra, replacing him with ex-President...
Vol 59 No 23 | MOROCCORUSSIAEUROPEAN UNION Fertilise this 23rd November 2018 Morocco is close to agreeing a new trade deal with the European Union, less than a year after the European Court of Justice ruled that its existing pact...
Vol 59 No 23 | CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLICRUSSIAFRANCE Moscow abhors a vacuum 14th November 2018 France's failures in CAR opened the door to Russia. Now, Paris wants to win back a central role, but the government is hostile and the Kremlin has plans The visit of the French foreign minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, to Bangui at the beginning of November was supposed to signal Paris's decisive re-engagement with its former territory....
Vol 58 No 21 | ALGERIAMOROCCORUSSIA Guns, gas and nukes 20th October 2017 Guns, gas and nuclear cooperation were among the goodies offered by Russian Prime Minister Dimitry Medvedev in a 72-hour tour of Algiers and Rabat between 9 and 11...
Vol 56 No 5 | UGANDARUSSIAOIL AND GAS Museveni gets his refinery 6th March 2015 Doubts surround both the Russian contract and the supposed benefit and even viability of the oil discoveries A Russian state company under European Union sanctions has won the contract to build an oil refinery on the shore of Lake Albert. The contract is symptomatic of...
Vol 55 No 19 | SOUTH AFRICARUSSIA Nuclear secrets 25th September 2014 A US$50 billion agreement with Russia to build up to eight nuclear reactors has raised the alarm in South Africa about the speed and secrecy with which the...
Vol 55 No 14 | ZIMBABWERUSSIA Arms-for-platinum deal 11th July 2014 The governing ZANU-PF has found a way to trade platinum rights for Russian weapons to replace those it lost in Congo Zimbabwe is to boost its inventory of Russian strike aircraft after concluding a US$3 billion platinum-for-arms deal with Russia. The government is desperate to replenish its armaments, many...
Vol 2 (AAC) No 5 | ZIMBABWERUSSIA Diamonds in the rough 27th March 2009 After disappointments in Asia, President Robert Mugabe and Reserve Bank Governor Gideon Gono have been working hard to bring in Russian capital, especially in the opaque diamond sector. Russian surveyors have...
Vol 49 No 14 | ZAMBIARUSSIA The Russians are coming 4th July 2008 Looking for big projects and with plenty of cash, three Russian companies are ready to invest in Zambia's mines Three Russian companies plan to inject over US$2 billion into Zambia's mining sector. If this project is successful, it will be the country's single biggest foreign direct investment....
Vol 49 No 11 | SOUTH AFRICARUSSIA Nuclear nexus 23rd May 2008 South African officials visiting Russia on 22-23 May were in damage-control mode. In March, Eskom let it be known that the Russian nuclear reactor builder Atomstroyexport (ASE), would...