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news from Russia

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Found 69 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 69 results.

All quiet on the Wagner front

The Kremlin's mercenaries are still key to Khalifa Haftar's military strength but he has no interest in stirring up yet more trouble

The current hiatus in Libya's civil war means any effects on the Wagner Group's Libyan operations from the crisis in Russia would have been hard to spot. The...

Prigozhin tests Putin with an African putsch

Russia's mercenary chief was following Hemeti's playbook in Sudan – but his loss of nerve may have repercussions across Africa

As Wagner's putsch led by mercenary leader Yevgeny Prigozhin unfolded in Russia on 23-24 June, many in Africa saw strong parallels with the bid for power launched by...

Kyiv and Moscow give peace mission short shrift

After days of awkward and unproductive diplomacy, the economic consequences of the war will worsen for Africa – starting with the collapse of the grain deal

The African peace mission to Ukraine and Russia has exposed the chasm between the two countries – with Kyiv insisting on Russian withdrawal from its territory and Moscow...


Security row overshadows diplomatic outreach

The ill-fated peace mission to Kyiv and Moscow could set the tone for the Africa summit in St Petersburg in July

The African peace mission to Ukraine and Russia did not recover from a diplomatic row with Poland last Friday (16 June) after a delegation of guards and the...


Resurrecting the 'Russosphere'

The spike in pro-Russian sentiment in the Sahel has been linked to an obscure Belgian activist, Luc Michel. Describing himself as a 'Stalinist', Michel, 65, founded a Belgian...

Moscow's goals are global not local

President Putin's backing for authoritarian regimes in West and Central Africa bolsters his confrontation with France and the EU

The Kremlin is working hard to diversify its influence in Africa and involve more of the Russian state in it, as far as international sanctions imposed after the...

Displaying 21-30 out of 69 results.