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United States


news from United States

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Found 253 articles.

Displaying 81-90 out of 253 results.


Washington's front bench on Africa takes shape

Career diplomats dominate the new team as the Biden administration tries to repair ties and regain influence

The nomination of Mary 'Molly' Catherine Phee as US Assistant Secretary of State for Africa on 15 April reinforces the message that career diplomats are back in charge,...


Biden's balancing act

The US is threatening sanctions against spoilers, and is ready for military action against Islamists

The political map in Libya has dramatically changed in the past few weeks. For the first time in over six years, the country has a single administration –...

Frosty formality

The US administration is pressuring Egypt over human rights, but maintains its arms sales

President Joe Biden has been in no rush to engage with the Egyptian authorities nor with other Middle Eastern leaders who had gained Donald Trump's favour. This is...

Mutual distrust

Algeria is unlikely to help in counter-terror efforts, and Russia is ahead in Covid diplomacy

Returning in February from another bout of Covid treatment in Germany, President Abdelmadjid Tebboune has sought to gain momentum before opposition El Hirak (The Movement) and factional rivals...

Marred meeting of minds

Relations warmed by green policies and economic management are undermined by Rabat's jailing of dissidents

Fresh from being elevated to the Legion of Merit by Donald Trump for his 'Abraham Accords' policy of normalisation with Israel, King Mohammed VI has reason to be...

Trading favours

A trade deal between Nairobi and Washington appears to make political and economic sense for both sides but critics see dangers for Kenyatta

President Donald Trump has used his presidency to launch trade wars against China, the European Union and his North American Free Trade Association partners. His government has blocked...

That dam problem

The tortuous negotiations between Addis Ababa and Cairo over the building and filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam have lurched into an acrimonious finale. Ethiopia's Foreign Minister...

Backhander back at you

Frustrated by their inability to prosecute the foreign recipients of bribes as well as those that pay them, United States lawmakers are seeking to plug the gap. A...

Displaying 81-90 out of 253 results.