Vol 38 No 19 | CONGO-KINSHASAUNITED STATES Washington quandary 29th September 1997 The US government juggles carrot and stick while business scoops a mineral map Should the United States and other potential donors make economic assistance conditional upon whether the new Congo government allows the United Nations' inquiry into refugee massacres to proceed?...
Vol 38 No 16 | UNITED STATESAFRICA White ops... 1st August 1997 Reaction to the launch of the USA's new crisis response is mixed In a week when France announced 40 per cent cuts in its military presence in Africa, it was galled to see United States troops land in Senegal and...
Vol 38 No 16 | UNITED STATESAFRICA ...and black ops 1st August 1997 Was the United States militarily involved in overthrowing Zaïrean President Mobutu Sese Seko? (AC Vol 38 No 13). This is the question that lies behind a Congressional enquiry...
Vol 38 No 16 | SUDANUNITED STATES You didn't hear this 1st August 1997 'Ignore statements made in the next two months by the US Ambassador to Khartoum'. This is the extraordinary advice which US officials have given (discreetly and verbally) to...
Vol 38 No 15 | SUDANUNITED STATES Great Satan joins the fray 18th July 1997 As Sudan's conflict threatens to spread, Washington policy- makers are contemplating the fall of the National Islamic Front Sudan is moving up Washington's agenda. After years of US ambiguity, those urging a tough line against Khartoum have won the argument over those favouring 'constructive engagement'. This...
Vol 38 No 15 | SUDANUNITED STATES Dialogue in dollars 18th July 1997 Conspicuous among those lobbying for dialogue with the National Islamic Front is US-born Mansoor Ijaz, the Pakistani-descended founding Chairman of Crescent Investment Management, which he says has a...
Vol 38 No 14 | LIBERIAUNITED STATES Taylor's gaolers 4th July 1997 Could the United States stomach a Charles Taylor presidency? And how would it cope with his US prison record? As General Services Agency director under Samuel Doe, Taylor...
Vol 38 No 13 | SUDANUNITED STATES A brigadier calls 20th June 1997 Washington officials are talking of a major review on Sudan policy and a harder line against the National Islamic Front government as opposition forces in southern and eastern...
Vol 38 No 1 | UNITED STATESAFRICA Albright's team 3rd January 1997 The nomination of Madeleine Albright as President Bill Clinton's new Secretary of State for African Affairs opens the way for a reshuffle of the Africa department's officials. Most...
Vol 37 No 20 | UNITED STATESAFRICA Standing (by) 4th October 1996 United States' plans for a 10,000-strong all-African military force to intervene in regional political crises are winning cautious backing from European and African governments. Much remains to be...