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United States


news from United States

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Found 247 articles.

Displaying 201-210 out of 247 results.

Kidnapped I

Churches, the governing United Democratic Front, the United States' Save the Children Fund and the Muslim Association of Malawi were early casualties of Malawi's 'war on terrorism'. Muslim...

Kidnapped II

Just in time for President George W. Bush's visit to Gaberone on 10 July, a row has blow up over allegations that five suspected supporters of Al Qaida...

Spinning the continent

Washington's political managers believe their Africa policy can win votes at home and undermine France at the G-8 summit

A standing ovation greeted President George W. Bush as he marched into the State Department auditorium on 28 May to sign a new bill providing US$15 billion for...

Getting to know the Colonel again

One-time Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Chester Crocker and two American oil companies are urging President George W. Bush to start a cautious rapprochement with Libya....

Who's for the White House?

Washington promises carrots for its allies and sticks for all the rest

The leaders of Ethiopia, Kenya, Djibouti and other east African countries will visit the United States in the next few months for a regional mini-summit with President George...

Walter's woes

Walter H. Kansteiner III looks worried. The trigger for his troubles is his Sudan policy which has annoyed his White House mentor. Assistant Secretary of State for African...


US government departments are fighting for control of President George W. Bush's trumpeted Millennium Challenge Account, eventually worth US$5 billion a year.

Not forgotten

The anniversary of the 11 September attacks has brought a surprise for the National Islamic Front government: the demand by over 600 victims' relatives for more than US$1...

Bank accountability

The United States Congress may compel US banks to disclose accounts held by foreign politicians, when state funds may have been stolen. On 9 May, the House of...

Doing the business

The third US-Africa Business Summit, in Philadelphia on 30 October – 2 November was larger and more successful than the previous ones in Washington (1999) and Houston (2000)...

Displaying 201-210 out of 247 results.