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United States


news from United States

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Found 253 articles.

Displaying 181-190 out of 253 results.

Alarmed allies

The United States government's facility for ignoring the crimes of its allies in the 'Global War on Terror' is again being challenged, this time from the inside. ...

Exorcising demons

The United States Republican Party seems eager to rival the African credentials of Democratic contender Barack Obama with its international links. The Republicans’ Vice-Presidential candidate and Governor of...

Oddly normal II

The rapprochement between Sudan and the United States continues apace but US Special Envoy Richard Williamson has warned that he does not foresee full 'normalisation' during his tenure...

Oddly normal

Spies and diplomats are secretly negotiating the lifting of all US sanctions on Khartoum

Khartoum’s National Congress (NC, aka National Islamic Front) regime is negotiating a ‘normalisation’ of relations with the United States, according to documents obtained by Africa Confidential. News of...

King Bauxite

Known as the Bauxite King, Victor Dahdaleh is at the centre of a US case in which the Gulf State of Bahrain accuses him and the...

Bush, the farewell tour

President George Bush's five-country African tour on 16-21 February met with varied reactions. He was burned in effigy in Dar es Salaam and praised in Kigali by Irish singer and activist Bob Geldof, who said that Bush has 'done more (for Africa) than any other president so far...This is the triumph of American policy really. It was expected of the nation, but not of the man, but both rose to the occasion.'

Responding to their President's call, Tanzanians turned out massively on 18 February, day two of President George Walker Bush's Tanzania visit, following an anti-climax the previous night...

Not on parade

The planned new military headquarters will stay in Europe because of the widespread hostility to it in Africa

Washington officials had hoped that their new African military headquarters would be (where else?) in Africa. The Africa Command (Africom) would, they said, help the fight against Islamism,...

Security seats

The election of Libya to a seat on the United Nations Security Council on 16 October offers an opportunity for Mohamed Seif al-Islam, the son of leader Colonel...

Boots nearer to the ground

Washington seeks Anglo-French support as it steps up its military presence in Africa

British and French officers are being invited to join the United States’ planned Africa Command (AfriCom) as ‘fully integrated’ officers, US officials have told Africa Confidential. AfriCom’s Public...

All aboard

The new United States Africa Command (Africom) is not yet operational but the US Navy plans to put ships into the Gulf of Guinea before the formal start-up....

Displaying 181-190 out of 253 results.