Vol 50 No 19 | SOMALIAUNITED STATESSOMALILAND American airlift 25th September 2009 When United States special forces landed near the Shabaab-held Somalian town of Barawe to assassinate and carry off several members of the Al Shabaab jihadist group on...
Vol 50 No 17 | SUDANUNITED STATES An American road to Khartoum 28th August 2009 The road to Sudan is littered with the United States' special envoys and the most criticised, Scott Gration, is determined not to join the list of those who...
Vol 50 No 17 | SOMALIAUNITED STATES Let my people go 28th August 2009 Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG) will ask the United States to release a Somali terrorist suspect from Guantánamo Bay. Ismail Mahmoud Mohamed was a friend of and former...
Vol 50 No 16 | SOMALIAUNITED STATES Washington backs the TFG 7th August 2009 Even before President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed of Somalia met United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the first leg of her seven-nation African tour, Washington had...
Vol 50 No 14 | UNITED STATESAFRICA Barack Obama launches his agenda in Ghana 10th July 2009 The African audience hopes that President Obama's declared Africa policy will be both distinctive and practicable As in so many areas the expectations are that President Barack Obama's Africa policy will be a break with the past. In some respects, the President's decision to...
Vol 50 No 14 | UNITED STATESAFRICA Washington's Africa team takes shape 10th July 2009 After years of marginalisation and under-staffing, the African Affairs bureau of the State Department is beginning to attract strong interest from the other regional bureaux. The first key...
Vol 50 No 14 | GHANAUNITED STATES Obama's akwaaba moment 10th July 2009 John Atta Mills welcomes the first African-American US President and his entourage to Ghana amid hopes for US investment and cooperation The wet and windy weather of Ghana's rainy season will not dampen the warm welcome for United States President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle on 10-11 July....
Vol 50 No 14 | GHANAUNITED STATES Ghana's DC dividend 10th July 2009 Expectations are high in Accra that its hosting of President Barack Obama will prompt a rush of United States investment and assistance for Ghana and the region. Even...
Vol 50 No 12 | UNITED STATESAFRICA Hanging tough 12th June 2009 African governments sense a new toughness in Washington’s Africa policy, a month before President Barack Obama’s state visit to Ghana on 10-11 July, officials have told Africa...
Vol 50 No 8 | NIGERIAUNITED STATES The Halliburton trials 17th April 2009 Weeks after Information Minister Dora Akunyili announced a campaign to rehabilitate Nigeria’s international image, President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua’s government faces the strongest test of its corruption-fighting credentials in...