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Population: 46.62m
GDP: $260.13bn
Debt: 43.06% of GDP (2024)

news from Algeria

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Found 123 articles.

Displaying 41-50 out of 123 results.

Bouteflika unbowed

Could Algeria's power-brokers really be serious about engineering a fifth term for their infirm and wheelchair-bound President? 

Since winning since a fourth term in April 2014, 79-year-old President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has shown little appetite for giving up the reins of power, at least until a...

Political plots in a slow month

The latest reshuffle promises more effective economic policies but the generals keep a wary eye on the presidential clan

Amid the more relaxed atmosphere of the month of Ramadan, political soothsayers in Algiers are swinging from one forecast, such as the revived ruling clique beginning serious economic...

Frail constitutions

To little fanfare and amid speculation that President Abdelaziz Bouteflika's health has worsened again, Algeria finally unveiled its new constitution. It offers a clearer separation of powers, a...

Rumblings among the rivals

The country may be stable and there are hopes of reforming the creaking system but the weak oil price gives the elite little room for manoeuvre

With Prime Minister Abdelmalek Sellal and the presidency's favourite businessman, Ali Haddad, among those talking up an agenda for change, some diplomats and analysts see prospects for accelerated...

Trembles at the top

The removal of the security chief is a major event which could signal the beginning of the end of the Bouteflika years

After holding the reins of power since he took over the Département du renseignement et de la sécurité in November 1990, the military intelligence chief, Lieutenant General Mohammed...

Attack prompts security reshuffle

A presumed attempt on President Bouteflika’s life is being put to good use by intriguers in the ruling elite

The attack on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s seaside residence has resulted in the dismissal of security officers judged responsible for compromising the safety of the head of state.

Southern discomfort

The regime is on the defensive as protests in the south compound a major renewed threat from Islamists

Details are scant, but reports suggest that terrorists launched a rocket attack on President Abdelaziz Bouteflika’s seaside home at Zeralda, outside Algiers, at dawn on 16 July. No...

The franchise war between Al Qaida and Da’ish

Shaken by the January 2013 raid on the BP-Statoil-Sonatrach gas plant near In Amenas, which Mokhtar Belmokhtar’s Al Mourabitoun group carried out, security chiefs have mobilised forces to...

Road to oblivion

A spate of trials linked to the East-West Highway, reputedly the world's most expensive road thanks to bribery and contract inflation, sent 16 public officials and intermediaries to...

The long goodbye

There is unease in Algiers where the focus on the President’s health is obscuring long-term political and economic reform

Algerians worry about their future in a world where oil, which with natural gas still accounts for over 95% of exports, is trading at below US$55 per barrel....

Displaying 41-50 out of 123 results.