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news by category: Economy

Found 104 articles.

Displaying 61-70 out of 104 results.


As they approach economic union, East Africa's finance ministers struggle to balance the books at home

The East African Community, grouping Burundi, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda, plans to set up a common market this November. The opportunities are potentially vast: the EAC comprises...

Kikwete's bailout package

Tanzania, the second largest of the big-three members of the East African Community, has presented a budget with a bullish message designed to spend its way out of...

The cement boom

In both Angola and Congo-Kinshasa, public works produce surprising profits for well-connected cement producers, but an oil-fired building boom requires a lot of cement. Angola's Minister of Public...

The bust and after

Finance ministers and central bank governors are holding an African summit in Washington next week to map a way out of the crisis

As the international financial crisis intensified last year, some African governments thought they could avoid the worst by strengthening their trade and investment ties with Asia. Denial has...

And the good news

Amid the gloom lie some positives. African economies now have on average 5.7 months of reserves to cover imports, policy frameworks are sounder, government ministries are better staffed....

Homemade toxic assets

After some stellar years of expansion, the financial sector faces a deepening crisis

The uncertainty about the future of Central Bank Governor Charles Chukwuma Soludo reflects the drift in Nigeria’s policy over the past 18 months. Soludu, who was appointed in...

Don't shoot the ambulance

After a decade of growth in Africa, the IMF and World Bank's economists are offering loans and policy advice again

The financial crisis has had one indisputable effect: it has put the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund back in business in Africa. Suddenly there is no...

Displaying 61-70 out of 104 results.