Vol 41 No 1 | ECONOMYAFRICA Less debt, more growth 7th January 2000 World Bank President Jim Wolfensohn, together with internationalist anti-debt campaigners, will get joint credit if the Bank and the international Monetary Fund's Heavily Indebted Poor Country initiative makes...
Vol 40 No 6 | ECONOMYWEST AFRICA Down with tariffs 19th March 1999 The Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA), the economic and monetary union of the eight West African states of the Franc Zone, is nine months away from a...
Vol 39 No 19 | ECONOMYAFRICA Counting the cost 25th September 1998 Hopes that Africa would turn the economic corner have been dampened as the Asian and Russian crises hit growth prospects Fending off a globalised recession is top of the agenda for world financial leaders gathering in Washington for the annual meeting of the World Bank and International Monetary...
Vol 39 No 19 | ECONOMYAFRICASTOCK MARKETS Crisis? What crisis? 25th September 1998 Most of Africa’s 18 stock markets are well insulated from successive financial crises in East Asia, Russia and now, Brazil. Africa’s biggest worries are in its most open...