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news by category: Britain

Found 148 articles.

Displaying 111-120 out of 148 results.

Unkindest cuts

Whitehall promoted the big push for Africa but is now cutting back its diplomatic staff and budgets there

As British ministers congratulate themselves on hoisting Africa fleetingly to the top of the international agenda at the Group of Eight summit on 6-8 July, the British foreign...

Watergate, the sequel

A controversial US$143.5 million project to commercialise Tanzania's water and sewage system has ended in acrimony and political embarrassment for the World Bank and the British government which...

Undiplomatic closure

Opposition is mounting to the British government's plans to close its embassy in Madagascar - just as the country is on the brink of securing major new mining...

The big push comes to shove

Whitehall's sweeping African aid and trade agenda isn't winning enough friends to change policies

Two months ahead of the Group of Eight (G8) summit in Gleneagles, Scotland, Britain is making little headway in winning support for its agenda for Africa - the...

Britain's man in Africa

Britain's Foreign Secretary Jack Straw and International Development Secretary Hilary Benn stay in their posts after the Labour Party's victory in Britain's elections on 5 May but will...

Mea culpa

How will the Blair Commission change British policy?

At the launch of the Commission for Africa report on 11 March, a week after Africa Confidential published an exclusive report on its main findings, British Prime Minister...

Moral choice

Ethically-inclined capitalists faced a tough choice in London on 17 March. Is it to be the Corporate Social Responsibility event at Chatham House backed by the Foreign and...

The Blair report - unveiled

The Africa Commission will call on rich countries to double aid budgets and open their markets immediately

Africa Confidential has obtained a copy of a final draft of the Commission for Africa report, due to be launched amid fanfare in London on 11 March 2005...

Who's spooking who?

Reports that British intelligence is training Sudan government spies raise awkward questions about policy following the 1 February release of a 244-page United Nations report detailing the involvement...

Displaying 111-120 out of 148 results.