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Around Africa


news by category: Around Africa

Found 5 articles.

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.

419, and counting

Advanced Fee Frauds or '419s', have become as common in Ghana as in Nigeria, where they were invented. Ghanaian banks have published warnings in the press that their...

Genocide watch

As United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan is taking the heat for UN inaction on the Darfur genocide, Washington is under mounting pressure to act. Worried about 'another...

Iraq first

After seven frustrating years, former United States Secretary of State James Baker III has resigned as the United Nations Secretary General's Special Envoy to Western Sahara. He is...

Money, perhaps

The European Commission proposes to spend 250 million euros to back peacekeeping operations in Africa and European Union ministers will soon decide whether to go ahead. This was...

Rightist regime

Africa will be a low priority for the new team at the Elysée and Quai d'Orsay

Africa will lose even more of its special status under France's new conservative government, appointed by President Jacques Chirac after his 82 per cent re-election victory over Jean-Marie...

Displaying 1-5 out of 5 results.