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Oil and gas


news by category: Oil and gas

Found 43 articles.

Displaying 1-10 out of 43 results.

From great crash to weak bounce

The pandemic is forcing oil producers to find new ideas to attract investment and absorb the shocks. Some show promise. Others may have left it too late

The great hopes of strong growth for Africa's oil and gas producers this year, particularly in East and Southern Africa, have been crushed as companies scramble to cut planned inve...


An oily threat to Sall

Hotly-denied suggestions that officials were paid for awarding oil concessions are causing trouble for the President

Ever since BBC television's Panorama current affairs programme revealed apparent evidence that controversial British-based Australian/Romanian businessman Vasile Frank Timis made m...


Dar wins from regional shift

Deciding on the main pipeline route was tough enough, but major problems for export and production remain

The April agreement between Uganda and Tanzania to run a crude oil export pipeline through Tanzania rather than Kenya dramatically shifted the geometry of East African oil. Yet the...

The soul of transparency

A struggle over the future of the EITI is dividing NGOs and business as their visions of governance in the extractive sector compete

Since its creation in 2002, the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has sought to shine a light on the oil and mining sectors in the developing world, albeit on a ...

New SEC rules

Oil, gas and mining companies will be forced to publish payments made to foreign governments under new rules from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. According to...

Curses and compliance

Mandatory disclosure is new to oil, gas and mining giants. They are still doing battle with NGOs to minimise regulation

Until very recently, the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI), launched in 2002 by then British Prime Minister Tony Blair, was widely seen as the gold standard for re...

Museveni gets his refinery

Doubts surround both the Russian contract and the supposed benefit and even viability of the oil discoveries

A Russian state company under European Union sanctions has won the contract to build an oil refinery on the shore of Lake Albert. The contract is symptomatic of the growing closene...

Displaying 1-10 out of 43 results.