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United Nations


news by category: United Nations

Found 64 articles.

Displaying 21-30 out of 64 results.

Bamako and Moscow defy Paris

The Malian foreign minister's trip to Moscow will be read as a slap in Paris's face as the junta deepens relations with President Putin's government

The visit by Mali's Foreign Minister Abdoulaye Diop to Moscow on 11 November flies in the face of French government complaints about Russia's state-backed mercenaries and their allied...

Cover-up in UN murders

Protests have thwarted the government’s efforts to quash interest in the 2017 murder of UN experts

Prominent Congolese journalist Sosthène Kambidi was conditionally freed on 12 October after three weeks in custody, with earlier charges from a military prosecutor of conspiracy, rebellion and association...

Gabon ires fellow Africans at the UN

A bitter dispute between African Union members over a non-permanent seat on the Security Council has broken into the open 

Furious argument has erupted over the normally placid elections by the UN General Assembly for one of the two non-permanent seats reserved for African countries on the UN...

Tunisia pushes for peace

A third attempt to get the UN Security Council to declare the coronavirus pandemic a 'threat to humanity and international peace and security' and coordinate the necessary emergency...

Displaying 21-30 out of 64 results.