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West Africa


news by category: West Africa

Found 53 articles.

Displaying 51-53 out of 53 results.

Down with tariffs

The Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine (UEMOA), the economic and monetary union of the eight West African states of the Franc Zone, is nine months away from a...

A diplomatic coup

Nigeria's military regime is looking for more support after toppling the Freetown junta

While its ousting of Major Johnny-Paul Koroma’s junta in Freetown has strengthened the grip of General Sani Abacha’s government on West Africa in the short term, it will...

Pax Nigeriana

Seven years of regional policing in Liberia and Sierra Leone is under scrutiny

Crisis-by-crisis, month-by-month the Nigerian-dominated West African Peacekeeping Force (Ecomog) is becoming a sub-regional police force. Together with its parent organisation, the Economic Community of West African States (Ecowas),...

Displaying 51-53 out of 53 results.