Vol 43 No 16 | SOUTHERN AFRICA Political famine 9th August 2002 Government corruption and greedy traders are adding to the horrors of the famine Malawi's Poverty Alleviation Minister Leonard Mangulama is the first political casualty of Southern Africa's food crisis. Mangulama, who was Minister of Agriculture when President Bakili Muluzi's government sold...
Vol 43 No 1 | SOUTHERN AFRICA Leaders who retire, leaders who don't 11th January 2002 As President Mugabe tightens his grip on power, other African heads of state announce they intend to retire gracefully Zimbabwe nyderopa! The Chimurenga song title means 'Zimbabwe was won through bloodshed'. The presidential election due on 10 March looks set to follow the pattern. In late 2001,...
Vol 42 No 12 | SOUTHERN AFRICA Dark prospect 15th June 2001 The Zambia National Tourist Board's Marketing Manager claims 'Zambia is currently enjoying competitive advantage as a tourist destination due to the solar eclipse'.
Vol 42 No 5 | SOUTHERN AFRICA Acts of God 9th March 2001 Rain, like drought, respects no frontiers. Downpours starting in Namibia fill Zimbabwe's Kariba Dam, which spills over and fills Mozambique's Cahora Bassa Dam, which spills over onto the...
Vol 42 No 1 | SOUTHERN AFRICA Revolving doors 12th January 2001 President Thabo Mbeki himself is, and will remain, the central issue of South African politics: 2000 was a bad year for him, with perceived failures over unemployment, crime,...
Vol 41 No 1 | SOUTHERN AFRICA Decision time 7th January 2000 South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki will press for the adoption of a defence pact by the 14-strong Southern African Development Community. It will be presented as a 'reform...